CorvusAtrox wrote:☮ - Gaia (since I passed =p)
Gaia's formed a friendship with Anguis and possibly Aaron as Grass-type... team squad leaders, I'd guess I'd call it. She might get along well with Doc too.
Confirmed. She's also probably one of the few mons on RP!Tagg's team who knows Aaron's full story before he joined up. (RP!Tagg suspects due to dealing with mons like Pica but doesn't want to try getting him to fess up.)
Keys2tkingdom wrote:♥ - Kodama - Sometimes dreams that his mother being a Trevnant somewhere in the world.
ൠ - RP!Tagg - Secretly like to knit.
★ - Forecaster - When sad Forecaster uses Rain Dance to force a Personal Rain Cloud.
Kodama: He did so a lot for the first couple centuries until he gave up, but after meeting Team Nova he's been getting hopes of that happening again.
RP!Tagg: He can knit, but it's mainly limited to patch jobs (If you were ever to look at his clothing you'd notice a lot of sewing lines from when someone's actually managed to slice through it), and himself. He's dabbled a little in crocheting though and wouldn't mind learning more.
Forecaster: She has, though if she's really miffed she likes to fire the occasional Thundershock at a teammate she's angry at. (Which leads to hilarity with Muddy since he's completely immune.)
★ Fenrir: Fenrir is afraid of one day being too weak to fight, or his teammates deciding to permanently ditch him for one day of his GIFT issue going too far.
☮ Phlegethon: Phlegethon would probably bond with Hitodama over hatred of water.
▼ Merle: Back as a hatchling, Merle was ransomed by one of the other Celadon murders.
ൠ Silent's Lileep: Lileep is jealous of the Hearts in the J-Team due to him being a Kyogre devotee.
☆ Fletcha: One of Fletcha's favorite places in Hoenn is the pond on Route 102.
♡ Finn: Finn has a crush on one of the female Drilbur in Monty's labour.
☠-Hikari: Hikari can weaponize her luck in a life-or-death fight to make basically every attack crit, in every sense of the word.
✿-Jason: Despite Jason's success rate with women, he's actually nervous of doing true intercourse, but not foreplay.
☯-Kabuki: Kabuki is actually a pretty big fan of kabuki theater.
♥-Shana: Shana gets her Tsundere-ness from her mother.
☾-Ignia: Ignia likes to curl up like she's still a Darumaka while sleeping.
☮-Belinda: Belinda has thought about trying to get to know RP!Tagg better, but finds trying to get a hold of him rather hard.
☆ - RP!Tagg
☮ - DS
☾ - Crochet
♥ - Jason
☯ - Cobalt
♦ - Jack Kanegawa
ൠ - Echo (the human)