Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future
Maria:Um...sure! I suppose. He should be at the Unova League.
Unova League
-An older Lane is indeed here and wearing a flame printed suit.-
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--V.S. Legacy → WAAPT: In-Universe → What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future
Maria:Um...sure! I suppose. He should be at the Unova League.
-An older Lane is indeed here and wearing a flame printed suit.-
-Crash! Into Lane...-
Vivi: <Yeah, long-range is not the best thing ever. And I think I dropped Eri in wrong place...>
Lane:Waithuh? Wagh!
-Lane is crashed into.-
@_@ Ow...
Vivi: <Lane Heiden? Yer are required back at Hoenn. Your sister is having a birthday, and you may want to drop in and say hi.>
You actually ported us inside the League? Okay, that's one way to do it...
Howdy, brother-in-law. [pats Lane] You probably already know... but you are needed back in Hoenn! It's Maria's birthday, man.
-Lane thinks a moment.-
Lane:Wait...that was...oh shit! I forgot! Ah, Jeeze yes, get me there now!
-A Houndoom wearing a necklace with mega stone embedded in it saunters.-
Lillith:<We're leaving soon, sir?>
What, no challengers right now? What if one suddenly popped out when you're gone?
Also, sorry for the crash. Teleporting of this range is prone to misaccuracy, the fox says.
Vivi: <Ring ding ding ding ding.>
-Lane is scrambling to grab some more casual clothes.-
Lane:It's been slow lately, I think they keep getting stuck on the Normal and Fairy type members, they didn't even get to me half the time.
-Lillith licks at Eridanus.-
Lillith:<Hello there, Michael. How have you been?>
Good enough, doggie. -quiet chuckle-
-pets Lillith, then notices the Mega Stone-
...Mega Evolution? I thought only Champions use that.
-Lane pipes up as he tries to find a suitable shirt.-
Lane:We can use it if we deem it necessary, like it the trainer can also use Mega Evolution. We want to test the trainer, not get utterly destroyed.
Lillith:<It's quite fun, actually.>
Lane:So,'ve been taking care of my sister, right?
-about testing trainer- And then they sic a legendary that's within the rules.
-about Maria- Of course I do. Why I wouldn't?
Lane:-on hasn't happened to me yet...although there was this one guy who tried to beat Lillith with a Mega Abomasnow...three guesses how that went, first two don't count.
-on Maria-Just making sure. I know how much of a handful my sister can be at times.
-Maria sneezes in the middle of her sketching...then resumes sketching.-
-on Trainers- Flying spaghetti monster, Metronome'd Explosion, snow everywhere.
-on Maria- I guess she's a little stubborn at times... but she's very sweet and cuddlable girl. Anyways, are you ready to teleport?
Lane:-on WTF?- Lillith one shot it...
-On Teleport.-Yeah, I should be ready.
Well, it is a Grass/Ice.
-Crash! Lane bumps into Maria.-
Teleport affection. Yeah.... Let's not think about this too hard.
Maria:Lane! You made it!
-Sibling huggle.-
Lane:Yeah...I did...sis...can't breath...
-Maria releases Lane.-
Maria:Sorry~. I've just missed you!
-Lane pats his sister.-
Lane:I know...I missed ya too, Maria.
-And now Michael is hugged.-
Maria:Thanks, honey~!
It's nothing... really...
-Then Alrey gets a group huggle. Squish ~-
Alrey: Hey, Lane!
-Hey now, squiiiish~ is Maria's thing....but I can let it slide because Lane is red faced now.-
Lane:Oh, hello I there Alrey. >///>
Usually my wife is only allowed to do that...
-Now Michael gets a squiiiish~.-
Maria:Aw...just like old times, huh Michael?
Alrey: Sorry, didn't knew... It's a platonic hug, anyway.
-Neither I did. Trademark the thing, okay?-
...yeah. Heh... good ol' times.
[to Lane] Gah! Why your sister is making me feel weird?!
-Lane chuckles.-
Maria:Hey, I heard that!
-She puffs out her cheeks and pouts.-
Lane:Aw, why are you suddenly feeling weird again? Should marriage fix that?
Weird in the good sense, honey.
[to Lane] We are married, slowpoke.
Maria:Weird wasn't a good thing 12 years ago. Part of that was what led to that rivalry, remember?
Lane:I knew that...
Alrey: Well, you both had some kind of problems back then... That's one reason for the conflict between you...
I know... I knooowwww... But we're better now.
-Maria wraps her arms around Michael once more, leaning in for a kiss.-
Maria:Yes, yes we are~.
Lane:Sis...still really loving huh? Heh...
-She gets a kiss... but on lips.-
Nyehehehehehe.... So, should I leave you two siblings alone for a while?
Bit: <Umm.... Who is this?>
Oh, and meet Bit. Maria's personal Jirachi. Which she has kinda to babysit, I guess...
Lane:I think I should be asking of you two need some alone time.
-He chuckles, then looks at Bit.- this is the big suprise you were talking about? wish tags. Interesting.
-Maria merely blushes after Lane's first comment.- Legacy → WAAPT: In-Universe → What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future
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