Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Maria:Um...sure! I suppose. He should be at the Unova League.

Unova League

-An older Lane is indeed here and wearing a flame printed suit.-

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!

377 (edited by Eridanus 2014-08-22 17:28:34)

Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Fallarbor Cit-


-y... now Unova League

-Crash! Into Lane...-

Vivi: <Yeah, long-range is not the best thing ever. And I think I dropped Eri in wrong place...>


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Unova League

Lane:Waithuh? Wagh!

-Lane is crashed into.-

@_@ Ow...

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!

379 (edited by Eridanus 2014-08-22 17:30:34)

Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Vivi: <Lane Heiden? Yer are required back at Hoenn. Your sister is having a birthday, and you may want to drop in and say hi.>

You actually ported us inside the League? Okay, that's one way to do it...


Howdy, brother-in-law. [pats Lane] You probably already know... but you are needed back in Hoenn! It's Maria's birthday, man.


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-Lane thinks a moment.-

Lane:Wait...that was...oh shit! I forgot! Ah, Jeeze yes, get me there now!

-A Houndoom wearing a necklace with mega stone embedded in it saunters.-

Lillith:<We're leaving soon, sir?>

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

What, no challengers right now? What if one suddenly popped out when you're gone?

Also, sorry for the crash. Teleporting of this range is prone to misaccuracy, the fox says.

Vivi: <Ring ding ding ding ding.>


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Unova League

-Lane is scrambling to grab some more casual clothes.-

Lane:It's been slow lately, I think they keep getting stuck on the Normal and Fairy type members, they didn't even get to me half the time.

-Lillith licks at Eridanus.-

Lillith:<Hello there, Michael. How have you been?>

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!

383 (edited by Eridanus 2014-08-22 17:53:17)

Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Unova League

Good enough, doggie. -quiet chuckle-

-pets Lillith, then notices the Mega Stone-

...Mega Evolution? I thought only Champions use that.


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-Lane pipes up as he tries to find a suitable shirt.-

Lane:We can use it if we deem it necessary, like it the trainer can also use Mega Evolution. We want to test the trainer, not get utterly destroyed.

Lillith:<It's quite fun, actually.>

Lane:So, Michael...you've been taking care of my sister, right?

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-about testing trainer- And then they sic a legendary that's within the rules.

-about Maria- Of course I do. Why I wouldn't?


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Lane:-on Legends-...Well...it hasn't happened to me yet...although there was this one guy who tried to beat Lillith with a Mega Abomasnow...three guesses how that went, first two don't count.

-on Maria-Just making sure. I know how much of a handful my sister can be at times.


-Maria sneezes in the middle of her sketching...then resumes sketching.-

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-on Trainers- Flying spaghetti monster, Metronome'd Explosion, snow everywhere.

-on Maria- I guess she's a little stubborn at times... but she's very sweet and cuddlable girl. Anyways, are you ready to teleport?


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Lane:-on WTF?- Um...no. Lillith one shot it...

-On Teleport.-Yeah, I should be ready.

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!

389 (edited by Eridanus 2014-08-22 20:29:25)

Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Unova League

Well, it is a Grass/Ice.


Somewhere by Fallarbor

-Crash! Lane bumps into Maria.-

Teleport affection. Yeah.... Let's not think about this too hard.


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Near Fallarbor


Maria:Lane! You made it!

-Sibling huggle.-

Lane:Yeah...I did...sis...can't breath...

-Maria releases Lane.-

Maria:Sorry~. I've just missed you!

-Lane pats his sister.-

Lane:I know...I missed ya too, Maria.

-And now Michael is hugged.-

Maria:Thanks, honey~!

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

It's nothing... really...

-Then Alrey gets a group huggle. Squish ~-

Alrey: Hey, Lane!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-Hey now, squiiiish~ is Maria's thing....but I can let it slide because Lane is red faced now.-

Lane:Oh, hello I there Alrey. >///>

Usually my wife is only allowed to do that...

-Now Michael gets a squiiiish~.-

Maria:Aw...just like old times, huh Michael?

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Alrey: Sorry, didn't knew... It's a platonic hug, anyway.

-Neither I did. Trademark the thing, okay?-

...yeah. Heh... good ol' times.

[to Lane] Gah! Why your sister is making me feel weird?!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-Lane chuckles.-

Maria:Hey, I heard that!

-She puffs out her cheeks and pouts.-

Lane:Aw, why are you suddenly feeling weird again? Should marriage fix that?

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Weird in the good sense, honey.

[to Lane] We are married, slowpoke.


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Maria:Weird wasn't a good thing 12 years ago. Part of that was what led to that rivalry, remember?

Lane:I knew that...

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Alrey: Well, you both had some kind of problems back then... That's one reason for the conflict between you...

I know... I knooowwww... But we're better now.


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-Maria wraps her arms around Michael once more, leaning in for a kiss.-

Maria:Yes, yes we are~.

Lane:Sis...still really loving huh? Heh...

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

-She gets a kiss... but on lips.-

Nyehehehehehe.... So, should I leave you two siblings alone for a while?

Bit: <Umm.... Who is this?>

Oh, and meet Bit. Maria's personal Jirachi. Which she has kinda to babysit, I guess...


Re: What If: A Hypothetical J-Team Future

Lane:I think I should be asking of you two need some alone time.

-He chuckles, then looks at Bit.-

Hm...so this is the big suprise you were talking about?...huh...no wish tags. Interesting.

-Maria merely blushes after Lane's first comment.-

I am the Blue Star of the night! I fight for JUSTICE!