Topic: Umbra's Polls: #1: WHAT A TWEEST!
Yeah, I'm gonna start putting any ideas I have for feedback polls on my characters here in the testing forum. Today's poll subject: Plot twists!
I'm gonna ask everyone to pick from a list of plot twists and such I've used for my characters and decide on their favorites. Respond here, or, if you don't have a testing forum account, in the chat.
Also, I would let people pick based on the normal criteria of how surprising it was (since that's much of a plot twist's point)... But, considering how I've spoiled almost every one of my twists for planning purposes, I'd prefer if people voted based on other criteria, because otherwise Gino's would get all the votes :P. Thank you.
And now, for the contenders!
Umbra and Lina's Origins (Tagg, Mind)
Umbra's ties to Ransei (Tagg, Crewe)
Styx's backstory (Rex, Tangent, Sixth, ,Tagg, Mezzo)
Axel's backstory (Crewe)
Chrome's backstory (Tracer,* Tagg)
Gino's backstory (Eskay, Tracer* [with a honrable mention from Silent])
Ammy's parentage (Silent, Every)
AU!Alduin (Luke, Pika)
Any I'm missing.
* Tracer initially picked just Gino's, but when I asked him to remove spoilerage from the consideration, he tied Gino and Chrome.
Happy voting, and make sure if you have a reason WHY something is your favorite, to include it in your response.