Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe elbows him-

Crewe: What, you don't like talking to me, fruitcake?


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius elbows back.-

Lucius: I'd like talking to you an awful lot more if I didn't have to do it on an empty stomach.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe picks up a popcorn kernel and throws it at him-

Crewe: Eat popcorn, then, and don't be so grumpy.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius catches the popcorn kernel and pops it into his mouth, munching on it grouchily - insofar as one can grouchily munch.-

Lucius: Popcorn is nowhere near as good as pizza. Or as filling.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Crewe: Well, you're stuck with popcorn until the pizza finally gets here. So you might as well stop being grumpy.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius raises an eyebrow at Crewe's last sentence.-

Lucius: ...You do know who you're talking to, right?


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe sighs, shrugging-

Crewe: Well, I figured I might as well try.

-she looks back at the TV, hesitates, then rests her head on his shoulder-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius blinks as Crewe rests her head on his shoulder, but doesn't protest.-

Lucius: ...Tired?


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Crewe: I ran all over the city today. 'Course I'm tired.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Lucius: That makes two of us, then.

-He closes his eyes, but doesn't drift off to sleep immediately for once.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe nudges him-

Crewe: Hey. Fruitcake. Don't fall asleep on me, the pizza might come.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Lucius: Yeah, but that would mean getting up, and I don't wanna-

-The doorbell rings, causing him to groan.-

Lucius: ...One moment.

-He hauls himself out of bed and through the door, returning half a minute later with two boxes of pizza in his arms.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe grins-

Crewe: Hail, the conquering hero. Gimme pizza.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius rolls his eyes.-

Lucius: You could at least say "please".

-Nevertheless, he hands her a box before dropping back down onto the bed and taking a slice for himself.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Crewe: Please gimme pizza, then.

-she pulls out a slice and cheerfully eats it-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius finishes his own slice before yawning and leaning back against the headboard, the box still in his lap.-

Lucius: Well, looks like we're finally sorted. You've got pizza and you've got me to keep you company. Happy now?


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe rests her head on his shoulder again-

Crewe: Mmhmm.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Lucius: Good. Hopefully we can finally get out of this dammed desert and go home tomorrow...

-He closes his eyes and lets tiredness overtake him.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Crewe: Mmmm. Sounds good.

-she curls up beside him and closes her eyes-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe may wake up to somebody firmly and persistently poking her in the ribs.-

Lucius: Hey. Hey Crewe. Wake up. We're leaving. Hey.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-this poking is greeted with weak swatting-

Crewe: Mmmmrrrrrr no. Don' wanna.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City

-The poking only becomes more persistent.-

Lucius: Tough. We're getting out of here even if I have to bring the bed along with us. If you're not ready to go in five minutes, then we're leaving without you and the duty of returning you to civilisation rests with your bird buddy.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City

Crewe: Uggggggh fiiiiiine.

-she rolls out of the bed, landing with a thud on the ground-


Crewe: Gimme ma bag.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-The bag containing Shieldmaiden's costume is unceremoniously dumped on top of Crewe.-

Lucius: There you are. I was gentlemanly enough to pack your bags for you.

Maul: ~Correction: He got me to pack your bags for you.~

Lucius: Shush.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Crewe rolls over onto her back, grabbing the bag-

Crewe: Thanks, Maul. Leggo.