Topic: Crewe's Sinnoh North
Another thought-mapping thread, this one devoted entirely to the politics of the Sinnoh north. Considering the Sneasels' thread is focused on, well, the Sneasels (and Absols), most of it probably won't show up in the thread, I'd like a place to lay it all out.
If anyone has any problems with it or comments on it or whatever, feel free to bring them up either here or... pretty much anywhere.
Each species (except Absol) have a few Pokemon (the criteria for these vary from species to species) that are part of a Council. This Council meets on a schedule decided by that Council, and regulates their own species to an extent that also varies. Every other month in calm times, one member of each Council is sent to a meeting of the Northern Tribe to exchange news. A Tribal meeting can be called at any time in times of emergency, and Councils can meet together to discuss issues that involve more than one species.
There are a few exceptions (such as the mountainous Pokemon, and the Pokemon of Lake Acuity).
The members of the Weavile Council are generally the most skilled hunters and fighters, and retain their position unless evicted by the entirety of the Council. There are always seven members. Council meetings are solemn occasions, and held every other week except when called by a member.
The member that goes to the Tribal meetings is Keras, the oldest of them.
Titan, while not a member of the Council proper, is treated as a bodyguard of sorts, and is the leader of a small band of elite fighters that guard the Council and any prisoners they might have.
Most Weaviles and Sneasels live either solitarily, or in family groups. They can do more or less whatever they like, but are given no assistance by the Council if they get in trouble with other species. Problems between lone Weaviles or Weavile families are regulated by the Council, however, and their word is law.
Keras can override any member of the Council, unless it is unanimous against him.
The members of the Mamoswine Council are decided via a set of contests, designed to find the best of the best. The majority are males, though the occasional childless female will be able to fight her way onto the Council. The contests are held annually, so there is a high turnover rate. Because Mamoswine are rare in the wild, any Mamoswine is guaranteed a spot on the Council. As many Pokemon as are deemed worthy are allowed on the Council. Meetings generally include competitions and scavenging parties, and are held once a month, barring times of crisis.
The one that goes to the Tribal meetings is Oliver, the only current wild Mamoswine.
Piloswine live mostly in ever-changing sounders, though mothers with pups will often split off and live on their own until their children are grown. The Council does little to regulate their own, but any conflicts with non-'swine will immediately by intervened in, generally on the side of the 'swine.
The Council makes few real decisions, and all that are made are produced via group discussion and consensus.
Snorunt line
The Snorunt line only has one formal Council, but it is divided into two separate committees: one for Froslass, and one for Glalie. The two discuss each issue separately, and compromise between the two for official decisions. Members are decided based on how long they have lived in the north, and are replaced when a member leaves. There are four Froslass and four Glalie on each. If there are more than four Pokemon that have been living there for the same time, the existing Council votes. Meetings are generally very formal. The Froslass and Glalie meet on alternating weeks, and come together once a month.
The one that goes to Tribal meetings switches between Isolde, a Froslass, and Nicholas, a Glalie, who have been living in the north longer than any others.
Froslass and Glalie live largely solitary lives, but are regulated highly by the Council. The Snorunt live in a group that is passed between Pokemon, and hunting parties are sent out based on a regular schedule, and all prey is shared among the species, with the hunters getting the most per trip.
There are three members of the Abomasnow Council, who are decided on once a year by every member of the Snover line old enough to hunt on their own. It is very, very rare for a Snover to be chosen. They meet only when called together, and can be called by a member of the Council or, again, by any member of the line old enough to hunt on their own. These meetings are often short, and involve little talk besides the matter at hand.
The member that goes to Tribal meetings rotates between the three.
Abomasnow generally live either on their own or with their children, and have little to do with each other and the Council. The Council doesn't interfere with life unless a problem is brought to them specifically.
Lake Acuity
The Pokemon of Lake Acuity operate a bit differently. All Pokemon that live in or around the lake have a single Council, with members that range from the most talented to the oldest, with every species represented. They meet every two weeks, and the meetings often spend a lot of time solving problems between the species, and the night serves as a truce between all of them.
The member that goes to the Tribal meetings rotates between one from each species, unless one is needed specifically as their species is affected most by what news is being brought to the meeting.
The Council mediates conflicts within the lake community, but doesn't meddle in anything beyond.
The Absol of the mountains operate very differently from the rest of the north. They have no Councils. Instead, while Absol generally live very solitary lives, they are born into a Clan, and are a part of that Clan as long as they live. They follow their own code, called the Honor, which contains rules for how to interact with each other and other Pokemon. If any Absol breaks the Honor, they are considered "dead". They are evicted from the Clan, and referred to only as "dead", or a "ghast" by other Absol. Rarely, they will be accepted into a new Clan, but more often than not "dead" Absol will either search for a Trainer or find a new home.
The Noctowl do not have a selected Council--rather, all Noctowl and Hoothoot are invited to the meetings, and decisions are made through group discussion. They meet often, on a date decided during each meeting, and their meetings resemble social gatherings more than political meetings.
The Noctowl decide on who goes to the Tribal meetings is decided the meeting before. The one who is most often chosen is Melanie, a very elderly Noctowl.
The extent to which the Council regulates the lives of each Noctowl varies wildly, as decisions are often made and overturned within weeks of each other.
The Zubat line have no formal Council, and are shunned by the rest of the north as a whole. They are often welcomed to Noctowl meetings, however, and individuals will generally go to either an individual Council relative to their news, or simply keep it to themselves or talk it over with friends and family.
They are not formally welcome to the Tribal meetings, but a Crobat by the name of Eleanor often shows up anyway to speak on behalf of her species.