Topic: Mind's Character Corner

In short, a little place to discuss, pitch, and help each other with new character ideas we get, whether we plan to use them anytime soon or not. Context is not needed... If you've got an idea, all are welcome.


For instance... Trying to come to grips with a series of characters that could serve as a Quirky Miniboss Squad during the Orre arc. Based on the 8 Robot Masters of Megaman 2, they each have a basic personality to go on, but all pay back loyalty ultimately to their boss, who may or may not be part of Cipher or Snagem. Either way, the idea is all 8 use Shadow Pokemon of different elements, and so naturally the Hero of the arc has to take them on one at a time, Snagging the mons in turn to beat the next guy.

As a basic idea, how does it fit? These chars would be able to be used by all, RC'd without much effort.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Sounds pretty much exactly like an Aborted Arc I had (and still have - the characters are still going around), only I was using the Megaman Zero series as a reference. Still, the idea is good, mechanics and motivations are different - and mine were more motivated by drive to try new stuff than by loyalty to a higher power. Yours might give more amplitude to work with different stuff going on in the arc, as in minor sideplots for example.

How do you plan to bring in the janken character-wise? Since, among other things, some of the bosses might be at eternal disadvantage against others and that can promote grouping and help hide agendas.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Well, all I'd really need to do would remember the types of each mon. Luckily, the majority of the Robot Masters in 2 have Types I can associate to them... Woodman = Grass/Rock, Heatman = Fire, Bubbleman = Water, Airman = Flying/Ice (I'll explain in a second), Metalman = Steel.

The three I'm not sure of would be Flashman, Quickman and Crashman, but I have ideas for them too that could fit. Flashman's power, Timestopper, could be equated to Psychic, given it's abnormal abilities. Quickman would be Fighting type in my mind, both weak to the Timestopper and effective against Metalman. That just leaves Crashman... Who, as the most devastating of the group, I would suggest getting the Dragon element. Crashman's only weakness being Airman's weapon... Ice.

The only one in this equation that doesn't have a built in weakness is Flashman, but this mon would be comparatively weak, and a powerful type in general like Dragon or Steel would easily beat it.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

If Crashman is Dragon, then what about... err, wait, which Robot Master is weak against Crashman's weapon again?


Re: Mind's Character Corner

I know that in Duane and BrandO's Megaman 2 rap, Quick Man was taken out with the Crash Bombs. Then again, creative liberties were taken in that song…



Re: Mind's Character Corner

Flashman and Quickman are both weak to Crashman. Heck, you can take them both out in one shot with a single Crash Bomb. But as I said, Crashman is someone I'm trying to portray as generally being really powerful, (since his power is needed several times in the game) so Dragon made the most sense to me. This is likely the biggest flaw in my janken style idea, but it's one that might be able to be gotten away with... I don't know.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Alright... So apparently this idea in my head has blown up into another entire arc idea -I really need to stop letting these get so big- Though it can be placed aside other arcs.

The Basic Idea.

Giratina, our resident bored gamer extraordinaire and possibly troll on the level of Mew is... bored. So, to pass the time when he gets bored watching Cyrus, he decides to make up a little game using some choice people from the regular world he can bring into the Distortion Realm. Thus, however many cast members want to can join in a diabolically twisted version of a Pokemon game. This is the False Region Arc.

In more description:

Giratina, by his own choice, constructs a fake region within the Distortion Realm, and kidnaps/requests the help of certain people within the real world to make it a proper game. There is no world-shattering consequence to this arc, and though the players will believe otherwise as per Giratina's decisions, no lives will really be on the line. This is just Giratina deciding to have some fun on a bigger-than-average scale.

By a fake region, I mean just that. A region with towns, brainwashed NPCs standing in place waiting to say their one line, and 8 Gyms with badges. *Where Giratina goes more overboard is in the way he plays his game. By default, it appears to be a Nuzlocke Challenge, as in if a mon faints, it dies. And in the False Region, that goes for NPC and Gym Leader mons as well.* Furthermore, each Gym Leader (called a Pokemon Master by Giratina) is actually a very high-class trainer from the real world, typically a League Champion or legend in their own right. I'll explain this more later.

This is meant to appear like a darker than average arc to the players, so naturally it's not meant to be for everyone. This is merely meant as what can be a side-arc during another arc, so RPers can pick in advance if they want to be a part of it.

The Gym Leaders/Pokemon Masters.

Now, the main reason I planned to give for why anyone would want to play Giratina's game in the first place was to release all the other players who are trapped in it. As Giratina's promised, when the game is complete, everyone inside (except Cyrus) will be released back into the real world. Most of these trainers are meant to be high-class trainers, so yeah.

Each Pokemon Master will be thoroughly brainwashed, though. After all, Giratina doesn't want them to just hand the win to any challengers. Each Master will, in turn, be sporting a twisted personality according to whatever inner issue Giratina decided to bring out and use as the focus of their brainwashing. Some will be out for non-descript revenge, others following a deluded sense of justice, and some just want to destroy everything [read: Cyrus.] These 8 Pokemon Masters will also be parallels to the 8 Robot Masters of Megaman 2, another game Giratina is currently into. (Subtle it isn't, but then this whole idea isn't subtle.) Besides the usual badge, each Gym Leader will also hand over one Mon they used and represent in the game when beaten, to use on the others.

The current (up for debate, changing, et cetra) list of trainers and their parallel Robot Masters are as follows.

  • AirMan: Lance.

  • MetalMan: Blue.

  • BubbleMan: Wallace.

  • Wood(Wo)Man: Green.

  • HeatMan: Cyrus.

  • Flash(Wo)Man: Cynthia.

  • QuickMan: Steven.

  • CrashMan: Red.

The reasoning behind this is meant to be because their individual personalities can be twisted and warped to fit the molds of their Robot Master counterparts.

Speaking of, Giratina is never one to half-heartedly attempt something like this, so each and every gym will be akin to the stage the Master is part of. So you'll be flying high above the sky in Lance's stage, dodging numerous metal deathtraps in Blue's stage, and having to out-run instant death lasers in Steven's stage. Fun times, but you can always use your mons to help.

In summation...

This idea is still a WIP. I am using The Megas' songs for inspiration on a lot of these characters, but I'd like to hear any thoughts on this. Personally, I think it would be a good test of world-building skills to make this world from scratch, a dark shadow of a real Pokemon region. But that's just my opinion. Floor's open!

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

There was some discussion of this in the chat, starting here:

http://wild.tropi.us/logn/read.lua.cgi? … e#03:25:26

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

While I've never played Mega Man (not that I've ever played like any of the games we base plots on), I like the idea.

And, reading the logs… If it does get combined with Evil!PEFE, it might give me incentive to join in on that plot, because otherwise I have zero interest.

It mostly depends on how it's executed; I'm fine with darker stuff, but super-over-hammy-parody grates on me somewhat.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

With the above idea firmly shelved... Ahem. New idea, possibly more headaches, but heck, nothing ventured nothing gained.

The Thought Process

Let me explain what thoughts led up to this, so as to better explain my intent. My ideas so far have seemed to be held back by (among other things...) focusing too much on one certain individual or thing. So I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a Team, one that was both interesting and compelling.

Then I watched this AMV. Now, the AMV was fantastic, but the music stuck out a few lyrics at me. It was about heroes, yes, but it also had such goals as "re-write our history," and generally made me think of how this could be done using Mons. And so my mind drifted to Uxie, and NPCs.

I remembered how Slouch used to be an NPC, and how this permanent state of And I Must Scream must be like. I also remembered Uxie supposedly being able to erase the memories of those who gazed into it's eyes, though the really interesting part came with a bit of research; namely, that Uxie created all knowledge in the Pokemon world according to game lore.

This is where things got rolling for me. Why is it, then, that NPCs seem to only have the limited intelligence for restricted dialogue and movement, locked in this torture, while PCs are free to move, think, and create as they please? Not to mention, what would an NPC... Or several NPCs... Do to free their fellow prisoners of the mind from their bonds, if suddenly granted knowledge?

Bond with Uxie? Plot to release all NPCs the world over from their mental chains, regardless of the consequences? Maybe even try to cast those same chains back over the PCs who took their free will for granted?

The nature of the NPC could be explored, a powerful Legendary may or may not be involved, (Though I'd like to see the Lake Trio in action) and it can all be spread out as the Team plot against the backdrop of a region, likely Sinnoh.

And so I give you...

The NPC Revolution Arc!

Truth be told, I only would like to develop this idea as a plotline to run alongside a region, akin to the games run their plots with the villainous Teams. I don't expect nor desire this to be blown up as some gigantic plot that absolutely has to take precedence, and would prefer it to stay slow to build up, quick to crescendo, and satisfactory to resolve. This doesn't need to be that big in my eyes... Especially since my big ideas never work out.

If this doesn't sound like that bad of an idea, I can go into detail about my idea. I'd like to hear first impressions, though, positive or negative.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Oh, this sounds FUN, but...

We kinda moved away from NPCs being "automatons" later in the RP (writing it off as EIW) and now they're just people who simply aren't the protags. Slouch was kind of a special case, anyway.

So I'm not sure it would work. Your previous idea might, though, with the tweaks we put on it.

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think it will work for the RP. NPCs are not like the game ones. They are more like other people.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Hmm... Still. Would the basic plan beneath it, -bond with Uxie, erase/rewrite history according to villains whim, with/without trying to mind control the protags, maybe- be a valid plan for a Team, or villains in general?

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

We kind of did a rewrite history plot with the AU arc already...


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Yeah, Cyrus CREATED the AU (and by extension PMD-B) by trying to rewrite history.

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

The thing with Uxie is, you wouldn't literally be re-writing history. But you could easily wipe out all knowledge of the past from the minds of everymon, and replace it with "history" you choose. Say Giovanni got his hands on Uxie, and got the Knowledge mon to work for him. He could re-write the minds of everyone on the planet to believe that Team Rocket has always been their ruling empire, and that under them, the world is blissful.... While Giovanni himself becomes a figurative god of the world, since he literally controls people's knowledge of the past.

That's a generic villain's possible use for Uxie, but there are more specific uses. It's not literally warping reality, but the people who's minds you're messing with won't know that.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Still a bit too much like what Cyrus did. I recommend Archive Bingeing the end orf the AU (Massive grimdark warning) to get a feel of what happened there.

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

Can do. ...Sorry this idea basically is junk as a whole.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

*pats* You'll come up with something better soon, I know it.

My girlfriend is a Volcarona, your argument is invalid.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

The wiki needs more work on the arcs that we've done and what kinds of plans have been used in order to accommodate for the players trying to generate / assist in new ideas...

IMO, a memory arc is workable, but needs some specific adjustments from the playerbase.

One of the main issues with a "Uxie rewrites history" plan is that if Giovanni or other of the big villains are behind it, then we the PCs would be the first characters targeted for such a conversion (taking into consideration eg.: Minds might be immune to it). Hence such an arc would begin with us being part of the "evil team" and it'd fall on other, secondary characters to try and figure out what happened. Plus, memory tampering is way too much of a gamebreaker, since at a ful degree (history, etc) it also means soul tampering. Essentially, while we as PCs are under the influence of the memory tampering we would might as well rolling new characters using those bodies.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

On another note altogether... DUN DUN DUNNNN!

I... HAVE... THE TRUUUUUTH! ...Kind of.

Ahem... Earlier, I was discussing the idea of a possible future arc regarding Deoxys being connected to Mew in some way. Multiple ideas were tossed around, and eventually I just decided to investigate the matter myself.

The main theory goes that Deoxys is, in a fashion, a kind of "alien Mew." Not a direct clone of Mew, but a being identical to it in purpose... For another planet. Now, what caused Deoxys to become split up, what exactly is the deal with the meteorites, how Deoxys would react to contact with Mew, these are all questions for another time.

Right now, what I intend to provide evidence toward is simply that Deoxys is, and always was, a Mew for another world.

First off, lets start with the basic properties and similarities. Both Pokemon are Psychic, with an innate ability to levitate at all times purely by the power of their minds. In addition, they both carry the ability to read minds with merely a thought, both of which are apparently unbeatable by any telepath, human or Pokemon. Deoxys' own brain scan ability is even harmful, while Mew's is merely infinitely deep.

However, their shared abilities go deeper than that. Deoxys has the innate ability to shift it's bodily form, typically through the use of the meteorites, though it's also able to regrow any damage not including it's core. Mew actually has an identical ability, as it's able to shift it's own form to use moves it's body wouldn't normally be able to use. This is detailed in the PEFE on TV Tropes. This shared ability to freely shift their body at will implies a shared natural trait, though the limitations Deoxys has implies that it's own version is weaker for some reason.

Diet is a more questionable matter. Deoxys has no actual means of consuming food, while Mew happily eats sweets and so forth that it finds or is given. However, Mew's own apparently perfect body can provide the answer for this. While Mew can eat sweets and so forth, it doesn't need to. It would be perfectly fine without, but enjoys the sense of taste from sweets anyway. This also explains why it's a herbivore... Because it sees no purpose in eating another mon, when it doesn't need to eat at all.

Finally, they have a similar behavior set. Both are likely to simply flee enemies that don't pose a threat, or swiftly deal with them if they do. The reason Mew is more comfortable with playing with it's foes, however, is because it effectively is invincible, while Deoxys' imperfect form has a weakspot in it's core. This explains the slight shifts in their personalities; Deoxys fights only for survival. Mew fights when it's bored.

So let's go over this... Physical abilities, psionic abilities, diet, behaviour... Anything else? Oh, right. They both have the underlying trait of being super-beings based on their genetic code. While Deoxys is more unstable and less complete than Mew, they both draw their power from the infinite possibilities locked inside their DNA. As far as I'm concerned, Deoxys is, and always was, a Mew from another world.

The above was found directly from the PEFE articles on both mons, which should be canon to the RP if I'm correct.

Orchestrated Chaos... A symphony to live by.


Re: Mind's Character Corner

-ahem- Anyway, something regarding what the topic was actually intended for:

As you may know, I've been planning my main teams in advance. All of my Pokemon will have a quirk or other character trait of some sort (until I get tired of it, at least), and I'd like opinions on them:

Prolio's Ferrothorn:
Ferrothorn heavily enjoys poking things with her spikes.

Prolio's Toxicroak:
Toxicroak thinks of overcomplicated schemes to solve mundane problems in a not-Rube-Goldberg sort of way. He gets trained to not do this in battle.

Prolio's Daughter of Bahahkun:
Bahahkun's daughter is a WellDoneDaughter kind of Mon, always trying to impress Prolio (even though as her loving Trainer, he’s impressed already).

AU!Prolio's Omastar:
Omastar stutters like all fossils should, and she worries about popping her Air Balloon with her own spikes by mistake.

AU!Prolio's Tentacruel:
Tentacruel doesn't really care. About anything. What little input he does have will be pessimistic.

AU!Prolio's Chandelure:
Chandelure loves cards. She uses tarot cards, and carries many decks of cards in her hammerspace to play any time, anywhere, with anyone.

AU!Prolio's Conkeldurr:
Conkeldurr is obsessed with being buff and macho, and looks down on anymon who's not.

AU!Emma's Rhyperior:
A Demoman expy.

AU!Emma's Steelix:
Steelix speaks only in name-shaped roars.