Topic: Day 2
Orre, day of the final battle
[spoiler]Copied this part over from the main thread, just so it'll all be in one place and such. I'll write the rest soon-ish and such.
Large Underground Room
-Iulianus is sitting in a chair in the Large Underground Room.-
Iulianus: Could it really be true... that the killer is that boy...? Of course not... That symbol drawn next to Reaver's body is proof enough of that... One of my own scientists killed him and Victor... Of that, I'm sure... But, then... That boy... he killed Prisoner. I saw that with my own eyes...
-He sighs and wipes a tear from the corner of his eye.-
Iulianus: I don't know what to make of all this...
Phenac Hospital
-Zeal is lying in a hospital bed, awake, but with closed eyes. He tries to open them, only to feel a sharp pain in his left eye. He loudly screams, panting once he manages to calm himself.-
Zeal: Dammit, what happened?! Why can't I open my eyes?!
Large Underground Room
-Footsteps echo through the Large Underground Room. Iulianus looks up to see Traitor.-
Iulianus: ...Xylia.
Traitor: ...Leander.
Phenac Hospital
-Elsewhere, a similar sound of footsteps echos through Zeal's hospital room, growing louder as their owner approaches Zeal's bed.-
Zeal: -voice wavering- Who...'s... there...?
???: You're awake, then... I heard your scream.
Zeal: That... voice... Dr. Kraus...?
??? Kraus: Yes, that's right...
Large Underground Room
Traitor: ...You're still crying over Rikke's death, aren't you?
-Iulianus looks at the ground.-
Traitor: Tell me, Leander. What did you hope to gain by holding that girl hostage? Surely you knew she wasn't the one who murdered Matthias and Victor.
Iulianus: ...That's right... And that's precisely why I did it, too...
Traitor: What? You're not making very much sense right now...
Phenac Hospital
Zeal: Didn't you say you'd be staying away from Orre...?
Kraus: ...I may have said something along those lines, yes...
Zeal: ...And why can't I open my eyes? I feel that's a more important question.
Kraus: It's your left eye that's paining you. Try opening just your right.
-Zeal does as he's told.-
Kraus: Your left eye has been wounded. You'll probably never be able to see through it again, I'm sorry to say. Although, the bandages probably shouldn't have been removed so soon... Forgive me for getting carried away.
Zeal: Carried away...?
Kraus: My apologies. When Dr. Caron informed me that one of your eyes was scarred... I just had to see it. It reminded me of my son.
Zeal: Your son... I didn't know you...
Kraus: That's right... I told Zach about him, not you...
Large Underground Room
Iulianus: It's... nothing, see? Ignore my drivel.
Traitor: Boatman's still hospitalized.
Iulianus: Boatman...? Which one is he, again...? ...I really should have visited him sooner, shouldn't I have? It could have saved me a lot of trouble.
Traitor: Yes, and probably Prisoner's life, too.
-Iulianus stares at the ground again.-
Phenac Hospital
Zeal: ...Leander...?
Kraus: That's right. And if my information is to be believed... within Cipher, he's a Commander who goes by the name "Iulianus".
-Zeal quickly sits up.-
Kraus: ...The very man who scarred your left eye.