Topic: Letters to Hook
So, thought I'd jump on the diary-ish bandwagon. Not sure how often I'll be making these or if they'll be any good, but we'll see
Dear Captain,
You might have been wondering what happened to four members of the crew that disappeared shortly after Pan’s attack about a month ago. Well, I regret to inform you that we have all been either kidnapped or joined his accomplices willingly. Ordinarily, I would encourage you to deal with them like the treacherous vermin they are, I’m afraid I’d have to be dealt with similarly as well.
At any rate, even if some of us returned, we probably couldn’t return in the best condition. One of us recently had it a bit of an injury and isn’t conscious right now. There’s another… I have no clear where he is right now. It’s like he stepped into a void or something. As for me, I don’t think I’ll be able to turn my back on the team, even if I tried. The month I’ve spent with them so far has been better than the last 50 years chasing Pan. I wish we could have been more like in the days the Brothers ruled before you lost your claw to Pan, but as long as you hold on to that grudge, it seems like it’s not going to happen.
But to continue, this group is apparently part of a larger one from a different dimension connected to this one by a mirror that I’ll be heading to soon enough. Apparently doing stuff like travelling to alternate dimensions to try and save them is typical or something. Maybe you could forget about the gecko and join us for a life of adventure, and hopefully treasure too? If you do come, though, I’d have to advise you to avoid killing anyone, even the Dewott, that kind of stuff isn’t really going to go over well.
Even if you don’t come, I’ll keep sending letters on occasion to see if you change your mind and let you know what we’ve been up to. Hope to see you on the other side of the mirror!
"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel