Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Basket: Probation?! Dear, what happened?!

The saplings stare at Hamada with entreating eyes, releasing Sweet Scents while doing do.

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Goldenrod Grass Preserve

A certain Hoennese trainer is visiting the Preserve.

Jeff:~Wait, what happened to the Tropius saplings? They were so cute ;_;~


53 (edited by BittersweetNSour 2012-08-09 03:54:49)

Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Goldenrod Grass Preserve

Three more trainers – two teenagers and their mother – are also visiting the preserve. Beside one of the teens sits a Nidorino.

Brother: I wonder where Dihrao's family might be...

Sister: Well, we're not gonna find out just by standing here, are we, Kay?

Mother: Alli, dear, you know Eskay prefers his full first name...

The boy, Eskay, sighs at his sister's nickname for him, and the three start moving in a random direction, passing by Jeff.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Goldenrod Grass Preserve

A certain Stoatine officer is sniffing around while his associated human officer is asking some questions to two of the caretakers.

Timbú: "I'm telling you, this had to be a sapplingnapping! A Team Rocket remnant, perhaps!"

Police Officer -takes some notes: "U-huh... I hear that story every week... well was there anything unusual?"

Timbú: "I don't think so. I guess that's what Basket went off to check…"

The officer stops and crosses his arms.

Police Officer: "…You suspect the saplings were kidnapped then you let the mother go?"

Orenda appears carrying some things and Gibbs Slaps Timbú.

Police Officer: "Well, let's hope the mother proves easier to locate." -- sighs.

Stoakes meanwhile starts following a trail that leads him in schröedinger's direction.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Eskay's mom overhears the police officer and Timbú, and goes to learn more.

Mom: What's this about someone having gone missing?

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

The Police officer turns around and nods at the woman.

Police Officer: "We were called about ten posts a couple of hours ago. The only Tropii specimens in the preservation have all gone missing."

Orenda the PEFE Intern Preservation Custodian -- notices more company: "Hopefully you didn't come to see only them? We have various grass Pokémon!"

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Mom: I see... We'll keep a look out for them. We were just visiting the area because my son found his Nidorino [Schrödinger's distance] [Schrödinger's direction] from here [Schrödinger's one-digit number] days ago, and we're trying to find where he must have strayed from. He was the only Nidorino in the area, so we were slightly worried about him.

Eskay glances down at the Nido, who seemed to be a loner – or perhaps an outcast...

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Orenda takes a look at the Nidorino and kneels down, offering a hand for petting.

Orenda: "Really? Was he a Nidoran when your son found him?"

The officer takes some extra notes in the meanwhile.

Timbú: "The little ones tend to come to the nearby roads for grazing, but the larger ones seem to live much tot he north in the [forests]. Dunno why."

Orenda -shrugs: "There's not much good research about them it seems."

Police Officer -to the woman: "If you see some Tropii, please give us a call. And try to fetch something from them, like a leaf, so that Stoakes can trace them."

The officer points to a corner of the place that is empty. Stoakes is long gone to the outside, where he is sniffing the roads.

Stoatine Officer Stoakes♂: <...Why would a [sole] Nidorino come here?> -- sniffs more.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Dihrao cautiously approaches Orenda's hand and accepts pets.

Eskay: No, he was already a Nidorino... and he seemed kind of wary of everything that approached him...

Mom: I'm quite surprised he managed to warm up to my son in the first place, he seemed so... I don't want to say "paranoid", but that's the only word that comes to mind...

She turns back toward the officer

Mom: And we will try. Rest assured.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Meanwhile in the Colony

Hamada gets stared (cutely!) at by the saplings.

Hamada -ears flicker: <…W-w-what do you think you are doing?>

The cuteness of the saplings is intensified by the simple fact that they miss their Dad.

Ercilla: <Pretty pleaaaaaaase?>

Dulles: <We're well-behaved!>

At first hesitantly, Maekrite joins with a :3 face as well.

Soon after the Owsla (cutely!) join too. Because it's so unfair to make Basket sad!

Hamada's resolution sharply fell!

Hamada: <U-uhm... I shouldn't really...> -- gets :3'd at, coughs -- <I… I guess… we can work it out...somehow...>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Jeff:~Those poor Tropii~ "Excuse me, is there anything I can do to help?"



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Saplings: YAYYYY!

Hamata finds himself under a cuddlepile now.

Basket: Mareepishly. So, um... hi? I'm Basket, from Goldenrod City. You've met our sapl-


Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Police Officer -to Jeff: "Well, besides looking around, not much I'm afraid." -- looks around -- "I'll have to call the CSI guys to lock the scene. Hopefully they don't bring The Whos around this time."

Timbú: "Perhaps if you can find the mother... her name is Basket. She perhaps has some idea of where her saplings went." -- produces a picture of Basket, though she's overall pretty much like any Tropius.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Jeff:"Okay, I'll keep an eye out."



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Grass Preserve

Eskay's mom nods to the officer, and heads off, preferably in the correct direction toward where Basket and the saplings went, although they probably went in the wrong direction.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

In the Forest

Hamada -under a cuddlepile: <Uh... oh hai. We-we didn't know there was a Tropius in Goldenrod?>

The saplings, in particular Colombia, nuzzle harder. They're not much concerned about the poison.

Random Nidorino #1: <She must be from the Grass Preservation then?>  -to Basket: <That's Hamada and we are the Owsla. We patrol the forest.>

Random Nidorino #2: <Yup!> -- shows off battle scars.

Some of the Nidos rawr a welcome to the Tropius. Maekrite nods a welcome too.

Hamada -to the saplings: <Your... dad, patrols the forest too. He's on proba->

The Nidorino is met with stares from the other Nidos. he clears his throat after a moment, an arduous task to carry on under a cuddlepile. He sighs and manages to push himself out, turns to Basket with his ears down.

Hamada: <-ahem~ I guess I can arrange for him to… uhm... patrol closer to the preservation?>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

67 (edited by BittersweetNSour 2012-08-09 19:12:27)

Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Somewhere close to, but not actually at, the Nido Colony

As they approach the forest, Dihrao becomes increasingly reluctant to continue. At one point, he completely refused to proceed.

Dihrao: <I can't go back...>

Mom: Eh? Why not?

The Nidorino stares at his trainer's mother in awe. How could a human understand him?

The kids, however, weren't surprised at all. Their mom had been a trainer for about thirty years. With the assistance of a Psychic-type - her Metagross, Pallad - she eventually learned to understand Monese.

Dihrao: <...Exile...>

He gets a guilty look on his face, not wanting to talk about it any more than he had...

Alli: What's he saying, mom?

Mom: He said he was... exiled...

Eskay kneels down to pet the Nido, making sure to be careful of the pointy bits.

Eskay: I'm sure they'll forgive you... I'll make sure myself...

Dihrao smiles weakly at him, and gains just enough courage to continue the rest of the way.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Back at the Preservation

Stoakes the Typhlosion♂ is still checking the area, following a trail, when he picks a particular sound in the distance, all the way he came from. He stands up and looks as a blue-ish helicopter lands near the preserve; Stoakes sitsrushes back closer to the preservation and watches with interest, noticing the chopper bears a specific but for the moment nondescript insignia. The Typhlosion sits down to see a single man in a suit getting off the helicopter. The man takes a look around and calmly walks towards the feeding grounds as the chopper takes off.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Later, at the Colony

Eskay, Alli, their mom, and Dihrao arrive. Dihrao is incredibly nervous to have returned, and he has good reason to be...

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Basket: That would be preferable, yes. Maekrite is doing his best to be a responsible father... he needs time with his "kits", of course.

Basket raises her neck a bit.

And of course, his mate can't be forgotten...

Dulles: Oh! Oh! Can we patrol the forest too?!

Colombia: You wouldn't be a good patroller! But I would!

Ercilla sneaks back to snuggle her dad more.

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

While the humans and mons wander in, various eyes fixate in them. There are some hushes and in short notice the group is tailed by a Nidorino and two Nidorina in addition to the school of kits that is getting closer to play with the humans :3. the 'rina guarders pay special attention to Dihrao and (for some reason) to Eskay's mom.

Nidorina #1: <Look, a Nido from the city!>

Nidorina #2 -frowns, examines the humans in the group: <Do we know them?>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

Dihrao tries to give his best smile to all eyes that look at him. Alli is giving her best :3 to all :3s she sees.

Dihrao: <Ah-heh... Hi, all... I'm... I'm back...~>

Eskay and his mom are wondering what the 'rinas find so attention-worthy of the latter of the two...

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Someplace #1 in the Colony

The two 'rinas :3 back at Alli and also at Eskay's mom. Then they approach the Nidorino with Eskay and them.

Nidorina #1: <Ooooh wait I know you.>

Nidorina #2: <You're that one!> -- smirks playfully.

Owsla!Nidorino: <W-w-wait what do you mean "that" one?>

One of the two Nidorina goes to sit in front of Eskay's mom inquisitively, tilting her head and purring growling softly.

Nidorina #1: <Ooooh human women with their kits are always so nice! They give us free meals!> -- :3.

Nidorino -to Dihrao, pointing horn to the humans: <...You with them?>

Someplace #2 in the Colony

Hamada coughs at Basket's explanation.

Hamada: <Yes, well... we wouldn't want a Tropii mother to go without attention.> -- shakes his head -- <I guess Maekrite will have to be transferred again.>

Random Nidorino -tries to play around with Dulles: <To the southern grasslands?>

Maekrite: <Pleaaase? I promise to be good.>

The Nidorino leader gives a look at the three saplings and then at some of the Nidos under his guard who are also parents.

Hamada: <Yeah, to the southern grasslands, starting this weekend.>

The Nidos around roar and butt heads in celebration. Two of them go randomly talk to Dulles and Colombia about how the Nidos patrol the forest. Meanwhile, Hamada approaches Basket, which makes Maekrite a bit nervous as he nuzzles with Ercilla.

Hamada: <Uhm... I hope he's taken good care of you? He's a bit adamant more than what he should but is overall a good Nidorino...>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Colony Area #1

Dihrao gives the two Nidorina a slightly more confident - perhaps even flirtatious - grin.

Dihrao: <Yep, it's me, that one!~>

Eskay's mom smiles kindly at the Nidorina that approached her

Mom: Well, if it's food you want, then...

She digs a couple Sitrus berries out of her bag for her.

Mom: Here.

Meanwhile, Dihrao is questioned confronted accused interrogated [INSERT MORE FRIENDLY SYNONYM HERE] by the Nidorino, and his new confidence fades rather quickly

Dihrao: <Well, um, I guess, if you're not willing to have me back, I mean, I'd gladly accept it if we all were to forgive and forget the entire incident, so...>

He shuts himself up, realizing that the more he mentioned the event that got him exiled, the less of a chance they'd be willing to let him stay. He didn't even factor in that the Nidorino talking to him might not have even recognized him as the Nido who had gotten exiled if he hadn't mentioned it.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

The Saplings cheer at the news.

Dulles: I can learn to Headbutt better!

Colombia: I can learn Toxic? :3

Ercilla: I still get to snuggle~

Basket: He's taken care of me where he could, yes... I guess you didn't notice when he snuck off to help me watch the eggs?

And he loves teaching the children... though I admit they do seem to be rather... adventurous, like him. They weren't supposed to sneak off like this...

But I suppose it would be rude to immediately run off after we just got introduced?

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.