Oh so we're using those headers again?
-Evarisch very cautiously and nervously attempts to keep playing the tune that keeps the Displacer Beast placated. Having to confront the possibility of being SMITTEN by proxy before getting to even begin what could be his Magnum Opus along the way-
Evarisch the Bard -sadly: "Poor phantasmal kitten thing, If I ever got to retire to a nice house near the Shire, I'd teach the art of the song to landlords' wives in exchange for milk to give to you." -smirks, plays an autumnal tune -- "And we'd still get to keep the songs."
-The Moon Demon sweatdrops (or the closest thing thereof) at the attempt to SMITE-
“Moon Demon”: <...I think my character would prefer the scratch damage by proxy thank you very much.> -- produces dice -- <Ahem, just in case and because I don't know if the Displacer Beast is on my shoulder or levitating within a few feet thereof I'm gonna roll for evasion...>
-rolls a 1d8 and gets a... whatever the next poster posts-
“Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.”