Topic: Blind Dates


attractingGlobe [AG] opened a memo at ?:??

?AG: Alright, every0ne here?~

?AC: Yes.


?GC: Yeah.

?TG: ...yes

?CA: I'm here as well.

?CD: Yeah.

?TT: Yep. :)

?SP: Yeah...

?AR: Certainly!

?HB: I am here.

?FM: Yes, yeah, yep, certainly here!

?SS: Whatever.

?TA: kLiNg

?AG: 0h, g00d.~


?AG: 0h, yes.~

?AG: Well...~

?AG: I n0ticed that we seem to be f0rming gr0ups and n0t talking much 0utside 0f th0se gr0ups.~


?TA: LiTtLe BoYs WhO sHoUt ToO mUcH mIgHt WaKe Up In ThE mOrNiNg UnAbLe To SpEaK

?TA: kLiNg


?AG: ...Any0ne else have any th0ughts?~

?AC: Well...

?AC: J guess J could try gettjng to know some of you better.

?TG: ...i could try too.

?SP: I'm not sure if I know any of you that well.

?FM: Try knowing some of you better! ^v^

?SS: Eh.

?AG: Great!~

?AG: S0, we all agree.~


?AG: And t0 d0 that, we'll all spend a day with a rand0mly assigned 0ther member 0f the team.~

?GC: I Don't Know If That's The Best Idea...

?AC: J'm agreejng wjth Gogje on thjs...

?TG: ...yeah...

?AG: 0h, d0n't w0rry, it'll be fine.~

?AG: N0w, as f0r wh0 y0u'll be spending t0m0rr0w with...~

?AG: First pair, Fisher and Raser.~

?CA: Sounds alright.


?GC: Whew...

?CA: ...

?GC: ...

?GC: Sorry...

?CA: It's... fine...

?AG: Sec0nd pair, Sticy Lips and Ven0m0us.~

?TT: :O

?TG: ...going to need a long shower after this one...

?AG: Third pair, G0gie and Mandrake.~

?AR: Huzzah!

?GC: Well, Then...

?AG: F0urth pair, Glöckchen and Slashkreyd.~

?SP: Sigh...

?TA: KlInG

?AG: Fifth pair, Finn and Irrend0lch.~

?CD: Hm...

?HB: Hm...

?AG: Sixth pair, Gh0stus and Likewise.~

?GT: OH JOY...

?FM: Oh, joy!

?AG: And lastly, I'll be with Rhyrhy.~

?SS: Wonderful...

?AG: And n0w that that's settled, I h0pe t0m0rr0w g0es well f0r all 0f you.~


?AG: Bye.~

attractingGlobe [AG] closed memo

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Glöckchen & Slashkreyd

Slashkreyd: <Mm...>

-Slashkreyd wakes up, though quickly gets a quizzical look on his face as he notices his surroundings are unfamiliar-

-He looks around at the landscape unfamiliar to him, but that could be described as the inside of a small log cabin-

Slashkreyd: <What's going...>

-He hears the ring of a bell-

Slashkreyd: <...Glöckchen, what's going on?>

-Glöckchen reveals herself-

Glöckchen: <We're spending the day together.>

-She rings her bell-

Slashkreyd: <Alright... but where are we?>

Glöckchen: <A cabin.>

-She rings her bell again-

Slashkreyd: <And where is this cabin?>

Glöckchen: <That's a secret.>

-She gives another ring-

Slashkreyd: <Could you tell me, anyway?>

Glöckchen: <Naughty children who try and find out others' secrets will find a thing very precious to them stolen one day.>

-She rings her bell again-

Slashkreyd: <Al...right...>

<But why here?>

Glöckchen: <To see if spending the day together in an enclosed space will drive you insane.>

-She gives another ring-

Slashkreyd: <...>

-He sighs-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Venomous & Sticy Lips

-Venomous exits her ball to find Sticy Lips-

Sticy Lips: <Hi, Venomous!> :D

Venomous: <...Hello.>

Forgot we were doing that today...

Sticy Lips: <So, we're spending the day together.> :)

<Any ideas on what we should do?> :O

Venomous: <I'm not sure...>

<Maybe go for a walk or something?>

Sticy Lips: <Ooh, good idea!> :)

<Could we get a view from the skies?> :O

Venomous: <I'm not sure...>

<That's kind of Raser's and my thing and you weigh over 4 times as much as him anyway...>

Sticy Lips: <Aw...> :(

<Well, walking's fine too.> :)

Venomous: <Alright...>

-The two head off-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Ghostus & Likewise

-Likewise is standing outside Ghostus' Ball and noticing that he isn't coming out-

-She pecks his ball and he is released from it-

Ghostus: <Hey, don't send me->

<...Oh, you did it.>

Likewise: ^v^

Ghostus: <I bet you have plans for today.>

<Plans to mimic everything that I say.>

<Well, they're not happening.>


Likewise: ^v^

Ghostus: <And we're staying right here, away from anyone else who could give you anything to mimic.>

-Likewise tries to perch on Ghostus' head, but falls through-

Ghostus: <You're not preching on me.>

-Likewise uses Foresight on Ghostus-

Ghostus: <GAH!>

-Likewise then perches on Ghostus-

Ghostus: <GET OFF!>

Likewise: ^v^

-Ghostus sighs-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Finn & Irrendolch

Irrendolch: <Hm...>

<I wonder what we today do will...>

-Finn pops out of his ball-

Irrendolch: <Finn, have thou any->

-Finn walks past-

Finn: <Sorry, we're going to have to do this another time.>

-Irrendolch turns in his direction-

Irrendolch: <Hm? Why?>

Finn: -still walking away- <Turns out some of Major Burrows forces have taken hold in Unova and I'm supposed to help take them down.>

Irrendolch: <Could i help?>

Finn: <No.>

-Irrendolch begins hopping after Finn-

Irrendolch: <Why not?>

Finn: <You're going to give us away.>

Irrendolch: <They will us not notice! We shall from the Shadows strike!>

Finn: <Yeah, but you're going to strike too early.>

-Irrendolch hops in front of Finn, Finn gets a look of shock, then stops-

Irrendolch: <I demand that thou me allow thine Enemies to smite!>

-Finn gives a grimace, then sighs-

Finn: <Fine.>

<But if you get in the way, you're answering to Sarge.>

-Irrendolch nods-

Irrendolch: <Understood.>

-Finn walks around Irrendolch and continues on, Irrendolch follows-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Fisher & Raser

-Fisher exits his ball and encounters Raser-

Raser: <Oh, hello, Fisher!>

Fisher: <Hey, Raser.>

Raser: <So, we're supposed to be spending the day together, correct?>

Fisher: <Yeah, we are.>

<Any ideas on what to do?>

Raser: <Not entirely...>

Fisher: <Hm...>

<Maybe we could talk about something?>

Raser: <Sounds like a good idea.>

<Any topic ideas?>

Fisher: <Hm...>

Raser: <I've got one.>

<How do you feel about seafood?>

Fisher: <It's alright. It was mostly what I ate before joining the team.>

Raser: <Oh, we can talk about that then.>

<What kind did you eat?>

Fisher: <Magikarp, usually.>

Raser: <Oh, Magikarp's alright. Goldeen are good too.>

<But there's still one type of food that makes my mouth water.>

Fisher: <What would that be?>

Raser: <Slowpoketai->

-Raser stops as Fisher's expression begins to shift to one of shock and discomfort-

Raser: <...Perhaps we should pick a different topic.>

Fisher: <...Maybe, yeah.>

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Gogie & Mandrake

-Gogie exits his ball-

Gogie: <Well... Here we g->

-He then sees Mandrake adorned in a large amount of hunting gear-

Gogie: <Uh...>

Mandrake: <Oh, hello, Gogie. You're up late.>

Gogie: <...What's going on?>

Mandrake: <Oh, I took the liberty of deciding today's activity.>

<Have you ever been hunting before, Gogie?>

Gogie: <No...>

<I never really needed to.>

Mandrake: <Hoho, you've been missing out, dear boy!>

<I guess that means you can't use Odor Sleuth to search for game, then?>

Gogie: <Uh... No...>

Mandrake: <Fair enough, I suppose I shall have to teach you, then.>

<This shall be a most thrilling experience!>

Gogie: <Sure...>

Mandrake: <That's the spirit!>

-Mandrake then begins tying the hunting gear to Gogie however an Oddish manages to do such things-

Gogie: <What are you doing?>

Mandrake: <You'll be carrying the gear, of course!>

<You haven't lived until you've had hunting gear tied to you!>

Gogie: <Right...>

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel

8 (edited by CorvusAtrox 2013-06-17 12:19:43)

Re: Blind Dates

FeSO₄ & Rhyrhy

-FeSO₄ is outside, looking slightly impatient-

FeSO₄: Hm... She's rather late...

-Rhyrhy emerges from her ball and gives a yawn-

FeSO₄: <Oh, morning, Rhyrhy!>

Rhyrhy: <Hey.>

FeSO₄: <So, we're spending the day together.>

Rhyrhy: <Yep.>

FeSO₄: <You have anything in particular you want to do?>

Rhyrhy: <Not really.>

FeSO₄: <You sure?>

Rhyrhy: <Entirely.>

FeSO₄: <There has to be something you especially want to do.>

Rhyrhy: <Nope.>

FeSO₄: <You want to... train a bit?>

Rhyrhy: <Eh. We can do that.>

FeSO₄: <No, we need to find something you're enthusiastic about...>

Rhyrhy: <Good luck with that.>

FeSO₄: <Hm...>

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel


Re: Blind Dates

Glöckchen & Slashkreyd

-After a period of not really much happening, Slashkreyd speaks up-

Slashkreyd: <If we have to spend the day together, could you stop staring at me like that? It's kind of unnerving.>

-Glöckchen responds with a ring of her bell-

Slashkreyd: <Well, if you're going to just keep staring, I guess I won't look at you, then.>

-Slashkreyd turns himself around, then notices that a mirror has been placed directly behind him, still refelcting Glöckchen's stare-

-He recoils in shock briefly, Glöckchen ringing her bell in response-

-Recovering from the shock, Slashkreyd then goes to remove the mirror-

-He struggles a bit with it, the mirror seeming to be attached to the wall-

Slashkreyd: <Hrg...>

-Even after straining himself enough, he does not manage to pull the mirror off, instead pulling the frame of the mirror off-

-Slashkreyd stumbles backwards a bit, reorients himself, then looks at the frame, then back at Glöckchen-

Slashkreyd: <Hm...>

-He heads up to Glöckchen and places the frame in front of her-

Slashkreyd: <Hold this, please.>

-Glöckchen takes the frame and holds it-

-Slashkreyd steps backward some and looks at how Glöckchen's face now seems to be a portrait-

Slashkreyd: <Hm...>

<It's a bit better, but that stare...>

<Let's see if we can't find something to cover it up...>

-Slashkreyd begins searching through the cabin for something to cover up Glöckchen's stare-

-After a bit of searching, he eventually happens upon a box with multicolored orbs and a star hat in it-

-Slashkreyd takes two of the orbs and hangs them above Glöckchen's eyes-

Slashkreyd: <Better.>

<...But I might want to try another approach.>

-Slashkreyd takes the frame from Glöckchen and sets it elsewhere-

-He then moves the box closer and begins placing the multicolored orbs on Glöckchen, eventually putting the star hat on her head-

-Slashkreyd steps back and looks at the newly decorated Abomasnow-

Slashkreyd: <Not bad. Not bad at all.>

<It's rather good, I think.>

-Glöckchen then looks as if she's trying to hold back a sneeze-

Glöckchen: <Ah...>

Slashkreyd: <Oh dear...>

Glöckchen: <Aah...>

-Slashkreyd cringes-

Glöckchen: <Aaaaaah...>

-Glöckchen's expression suddenly returns to normal-

Slashkreyd: Whew...

-Then, suddenly-

Glöckchen: <Ah-CHOO!>

-Several of the multicolored balls fly or fall off as the result of the sneeze, shattering in the process and exposing Glöckchen's blank stare again-

-Slashkreyd sighs-

-Glöckchen rings her bell-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel

10 (edited by CorvusAtrox 2013-07-31 01:15:50)

Re: Blind Dates

Venomous & Sticy Lips

-Venomous gives a quick look at the sun-

Venomous: Looks like it's about noon... I've made it half a day without getting tongue slobber on me, let's see if I can make it the rest of the day...

-Her stomach starts to grumble-

Sticy Lips: <Hm? Are you hungry?> :?

Venomous: <Uh... Yeah, kinda...>

Sticy Lips: <Oh, I can make you something!> :)

-Venomous imagines Sticy Lips preparing food and getting saliva all over it-

Venomous: <...That's fine, I can find something.>

Sticy Lips: <Oh, you don't need to do that, I can find something.> :)

Venomous: <...Seriously, you don't have to do it, there's a tree right there.>

Sticy Lips: <You sure?> :/

Venomous: <...Yeah...>

Sticy Lips: <Hm... I guess I'll go find something to eat, then.> :/

<Alone.> :/

-He heads off-

-Venomous looks in his direction and gives a bit of a sigh, considers following after him, but elects to just eat alone as well-

"Welcome. Do you have some... b u s i n e s s?"

"Halt dein Höllesobst mir fern, Versucher." ~ jedesdummisel