Re: The Orbital Head Cannon! (aka: Headcanon Asks)
☾ - Psyche
Back when her powers were stronger, Psyche sometimes tried to secure herself to her own bed on nights where the sleep TK got especially bad.
♡ Lucy (Cain): She's been seeing a Chandelure that used to be Ranseian, and it seems to be working out nicely
Sure, why not? :3
☯ - Teresa
Teresa genuinely enjoys spoopy morbid motifs, especially because she feels people that are willing to not be creeped out by them are more likely to look past superficial appearances.
◉ If Psyche was a gif, what gif would she be?
As funny as that would be, Psyche's not that kind of girl. :P
I'll refrain from HC'ing (because then it's just canon, duh. :P) about my own characters, so I'll just stick with:
☯ - Jason - Jason actually was a huge fan of super sentai shows in his youth.
☮ - Tagg - Tagg wishes he was better friends with some of the newer J-Team members
♥ - Jack - Jack is an only child, but wishes he had siblings. Or maybe vice versa.
My turn! :3 My character edition~
▼ Simone
✿ Teresa
ൠ Eros
♦ Sylvia
☠ Psyche