Topic: Coyote's Vacation

Somewhere, Possibly Unova?

-Coyote was bored.-

Coyote: I'm bored.

-So Coyote wandered. Of course, when you're an amalgamation of thought and shadow, you can wander very far in a short amount of time. Eventually, Coyote found a forest. Inside, were Pokemon that looked an awful lot like himself, only, you know, normal.-

Coyote: Well, might as well...

-Coyote wanders toward the Illusioned Pokemon, seeing right through their petty disguises like they were paper masks. The Zoroark startle as they pull back.-

Zoroark: <What in the blazes are you?!>

-Coyote gives the Zoroark a sly grin.-

Coyote: Me? Nobody, really. Just... bored.

-The Zoroark's Illusions drop. They look around in distress.-

Coyote: Oh, don't worry. That wasn't doing you any good anyway. I could see right through them.

-Teal and red tendrils snag the nearest Zoroark by the ankles as the other look on in terror. The one, adult female struggles against her bonds for naught.-

Zoroark: <W-w-w-what are you doing?!>

-Coyote flashes a white-toothed grin.-

Coyote: I believe humans call it... dating.

-He then looks at the other Zoroark, and after a moment, makes himself three times larger and considerably more terrifying. The other Zoroark run, leaving the poor female anchored and terrifying.-

Coyote: Now... I'd like... to talk.