Topic: Unova Courtroom Shenanigans
Outside Nimbasa City Courthouse - At some point during the Holon arc
-O'Sullivan has met up with Jacob and Zeal outside the courthouse, with a Magnezone floating by his side.-
O'Sullivan: Right, way I see things, you two are in a spot of bother at the moment. Considering that it was Deimos of all people pressing charges against you, I reckon you could've gotten out of things pretty easily. At least, till your lawyer decided to pull a gun on the judge's bench. Now neither of you can leave the city without police escort, and that Slant guy working as Deimos' lawyer has you backed into a corner. Only way out is to get some witnesses on your side.
Magnezone: <...I'm certain there was a way to weave that expository recap into the dialogue more smoothly.>
O'Sullivan: So, who are you calling to the stand first?