Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: Oh, thanks!

-he finds Nibble's Pokéball, and motions to release Nibble, but thinks of something-

Oh! Is there's a pool in this Center I can let Nibble out to swim in?

Back Halls

Rudolph: <Hmm... that might work...>

-she attempts to Tackle the door... but, Pokécenters being constructed with rowdy mons in mind, the door is reinforced and she bounces off harmlessly-

<...I guess I'll just have to map a different part...>

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Curiosity: <Aww...>


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Hearing Vance-

"Hrm... I'm sure they should... Even if it's just a kiddie pool or something...

Maybe we should ask the nurse up front if we can head a bit further in?"

<Audrey: "(... That's so not going to end well...)">


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: That would be goo- oh no, Rudolph's run away again!

Back Halls

-continuing her circuit, Rudolph heads towards Schroedinger's Bedroom-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Curiousity runs after Rudolph, occasionally being magnetically drawn to the Nosepass-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

At the Counter

Silent meanwhile picks up his two Pokéballs and waves back to the Nurse, who is tending to some other Trainers, so that he can ask her some questions.

To Vance: "Sorry, uhm... I didn't notice. What Pokémon is Rudolph again?"

Somewhere Else

The dish of Pokéfood that Forte gave to Tlimiz is now empty. The Eevee has walked away near a couch and has sprawled himself on the ground to sleep, with Makenna half-curled around him.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Forte: -watching the sleeping Eevee- Aww...

-meanwhile, Shadow has hopped up to a nearby window and is looking around-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: He's a Nosepass. And... he never stays in one place...

Someone(?)'s Bedroom With A Door Left Ajar

-Rudolph eagerly wanders in, unaware how attractive Curiosity finds her-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Random Bedroom

-Curiosity is pulled along by Rudolph, squeaking- <Oh, we're somewhere!>

-he pulls himself out of the Nosepass's magnetic field and tackles the bed- Shinx!


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Silent -to Vance: "Oooh, never staying in one place... Want me to help searching around for him?" -- fiddles with a Pokéball.

Makenna, meanwhile, is in Mom Mode, ie.: licking the Eevee furball.

Makenna -nudges: <If you want to sleep you really should go to Trainer.>

Tlimiz answers, if he even gets the message, by just squeezing an imaginary Pokéball with his paws.

Silent decides to pre-emptively send out his mon just in case. Out of the Pokéball comes a Noctowl.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: Yes, please!

-a little startled at the Noctowl's emergence-

Oh! What kind of Pokémon is that?


-a Geodude was left in the bed, and begins thrashing around in panic-

Rudolph: <Oh my! I need a better look...>

-she magnetically attaches herself to the metal frame of a bunk bed in the room, and starts climbing-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Random bedroom

-Curiosity jumps onto the Geodude- <Hi!>


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Silent: "Oh, this is a Noctowl, the evolved form of Hoothoot." To the Pokémon: "Pokéteco, say hi."

The Noctowl, perched on the counter, turns his head ~140º to stare at Vance. After blinking once, the Pokémon puffs his plumage and turns around the rest of his body to follow.

Pokéteco: <Good evening, human.> -- comes out as a sort of coo, of course.

"Could you help us search for a Nosepass? It's a… a…" -- hesitates -- "a rock Pokémon."

Pokéteco -glares at Silent: <Hope you don't mind if I ask for a better description?> -- turns to Vance and gives an inquisitive look.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

139 (edited by Tangent128 2012-12-13 16:09:56)

Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Random Bedroom

Geodude: <Get off!> -flails more, noisily knocking a clock over-

Rudolph: <Oh! Hi Geodude!>

<Curiosity, I think he's scared.>


Vance: Oh wow! ...Hoothoot are the things that live in treeholes at night, right?

-seeing Pokéteco's confusion-

He looks like this! -he takes out a strip of photos of him, Rudolph, and a Magikarp, taken in a photo booth-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Random Bedroom

Curiosity: <Awww...>

-Curiosity is distracted from tormenting the Geodude by the clock falling. The Shinx pounces, releasing a small charge on contact-

Clock: -flashes 00:00, 12:00, 13:43, 25:61, 512:012, a string of indecipherable characters, and a passage from the Necromonicon, then sparks and goes out-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Pokecenter Lobby

-Having totally been present all this time, even if his writer hasn't thanks to the constraints of reality-

"Heh... Cute team... How long have those two been with you anyways?"

<Erich: "... Are those clones? Why are they so small? ... And flat?" :/>

<Kat: "... Erich... That's a picture...>

<Lyle: "(Shh! Don't tell him that!)">

<Kat: "(Why?)">

<Lyle: "(Because if he figures out that every picture isn't alive, I won't be able to use them as 'tiebreakers' whenever we have a disagreement on ideas!)">

<Kat: "...">

-And facepalms-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter


Rudolph: <...I hope that isn't broken!>


Vance: My parents got Nibble for me to start my journey two months ago!

...and I found Rudolph in a cave on Dewford island five weeks ago!

-seeing Kat- Oh cool, where did he get that bone?

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter


Curiosity: -paws at the clock- <....I think it's dead. ._.>


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Giving the reptilian equivalent of a sweatdrop-

<Kat: "... 'He'...?">

<Lyle: "Well hey, it's not as if it's easy to tell you scalies apart!">

"Ah... So you're new at this... And Kat's actually a girl..."

<Teala: "Er... Is it really that hard to tell? It always seems so straightforward for me...">

<Kat: >_< >

<Lyle: "(I dunno, if she were a guy, I think she'd actually have a sense of humor!)">

"Her bone's a bit of a hand-me-down... Her friends and family gave it to her..."

<Kat: "... Let's stick with 'heirloom', please...">


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

With Vance

Silent: "Yup. This Hoothoot was my first catch actually." -- takes a look at the picture -- "Oh so that's what they look like. Could you do us the favor, please?"

Pokéteco -bats wings: <I'll go take a look…> -- notices the other mons -- <Hello everyone, bye everyone… Nice bone by the way, it still has some 1400 durability pounding uses left.>

With that the Noctowl flies away to look for a high perch from where he can track the Nosepass.

Silent takes a look past Vance at Tracer's mons as well. "Awwww cute, a Quilava! Why didn't I notice you before?" -- thinks for a moment -- "oh yeah, the Druddigon…"

Meanwhile, Makenna, after making sure that a certain Eevee is asleep, stands up and takes a look, notices a Mareep curled while some other mons are surrounding it. There's a weird Pokémon she doesn't know nearby, white, kinda ghostly ([Helena]), and another one that looks like a Ursaring but ice-y ([Klondike]), and she decides to go talk to either of them.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter


Rudolph: <Umm...>

-she gets thrown out of the room by the Geodude, hitting the hall wall with a light thud that an owl might, perhaps, hear-

Geodude: <It's RUDE to barge in on mons like that!>


Vance: A girl???

-he looks a bit embarrassed-

Um... sorry, Kat?

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Hearing Silent-

<Lyle: "Eh? How could you not notice me? I'm the awesome one of the group! And the starter!

But that's unimportant, you're noticing me now!" ^_^>

-And nuzzles up against Silent-

<Lyle: "(Say... Do you have any food in your pockets or anything?)">

-Looking, a bit sheepish at Silent's comment-

<Teala the Druddigon: "Um... I mean... I guess I should have introduced everyone else... (Sorry...)">

-Hearing Vance and Poketeco-

<Kat the Marowak: "... It's alright, I guess it's kinda inconsequential...

After all, it's not as if being female keeps me from doing this.">

-And twirls bone in the air before catching it with her club arm on the way down-

<Kat the Marowak: "And yes, it is a pretty cool club. But it's what you do with it that's more important! (What's a 'pounding use' supposed to mean anyways?)">

<Audrey: "... Don't you wind up aping moves from different video ga-?">

<Kat the Marowak: "(Shush!)">

<Audrey: "What? I didn't mean it in a bad way!">

-Aside, shadowing Makenna to whoever she winds up encountering-

-Tilting head-

<Erich: "What are you doing?" ^v^>


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: -watching her bone twirl-

Oooh... what kind of Pokémon is she?

-he takes out his Pokédex-

Oh! Can you help me find Rudolph too?

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

With Vance

"Oh, sure! I'm sure that we'll be able to find him... My Lucario's pretty good at finding things..."

<Audrey: "(More like you're just good at losing things...)">

-Through an empathic presence, likely somewhat garbled in terms of intelligibility-

<Audrey: "So what am I looking for here anyways? Any defining features?">


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: Um... what he looks like? -shows Audrey the same picture-

He's the Nosepass.

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.