Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Robert starts at the nurse's voice and fumbles with the Pokeball in his hand.

"Y-yes ma'am, I need my Pokemon healed, if you don't mind."

He holds out the Pokeball towards, the other hand adjusting the black hat on his head.

His Vulpix sits at his heels and looks around at the other Pokemon.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-a young boy walks into the Center, tailed by a Nosepass-

Vance: Now, Rudolph, don't get lost in here, please... I need to heal Nibble...

-he walks up to the counter, while the Nosepass stops in the middle of the lobby and spins on one foot-

Rudolph: <Wheeeee~>

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.

28 (edited by SpitefulMurkrow 2012-11-17 06:21:13)

Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Behind the Counter

-The nurse has extracted Andrew's Pokeballs from the machine, sending off Andrew's Pokeballs off to a room in the back for the mons to be released and rest a bit. And is presently handling Robert-

Nurse: "Okay, just send them-"

-And notices the line that has formed-

Nurse: ._.; "(Oh my... Busy night...) Erm... Do any of the rest you have less than 6 Pokemon that need to be healed right now?"


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: I just need my Magikarp healed!

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Amanda: Oh, uh...I do. Cumulus got into a scuffle with a Sandshrew...


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Jeff:"Yeah, I have internet. My laptop is installing some packages right now, so it's running other things slowly, but after that's done I'd be glad to help you. Nice to meet you Silent, I'm Jeff"



Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Silent: "A pleasure, thanks. Say, what system are you using? ‘Sophisticated Sandshrew’?" -- sneak peeks. "Anyway, the Houndoom over there is Makenna," points to near where Forte is, "and the Eevee is Tlimiz, he's new in the team."

Unloads and turns on laptop to go check news and weather sites.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

From Behind The Counter

Nurse: "I see..."

-And fishes out some adhesive notes-

Nurse: "Do any of you have any objections grouping together, by any chance? (I mean, your Pokemon are in all likelihood going to wind up in the same room in the back anyways...)"


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: Um... grouping?

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Jeff:"Yeah, I'm on 'Sophisticated', though I'm only moderately experienced with it. I know enough to do day-to-day tasks, but what I know is pretty much what I've learned 'on-the-job', so to speak."



Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Amanda: Not at all. -hands over a Pokeball-

-meanwhile, Spark is rolling around, and Curiosity is trying to imitate it-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-While accepting Amanda's Pokeball, to Vance-

Nurse: "Oh, I'd just put some notes on your Pokeballs to tell them apart and group them all together in the machine. I mean, there are six slots... Why not use more of them at once?"


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Silent to Jeff: "Oh good to know you're getting used to the motions. I have some experience myself, though it's the hardware that's not contributing..." -- pounds on laptop, decides to rest for a moment -- "So… travelling? I'm more or less a roaming Trainer."

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: Oh, that's good!

Rudolph: -suddenly stops spinning, pointing precisely towards magnetic north-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Nurse: "Hmm hmm... I thought so too..."

-S/He accepts Vance's Pokeball, along with any others that were enqueued by players that are not able to respond because of TIMEZONES, turns on the machine, and after a short time, sends them off to the same room that Andrew's Pokemon were sent to-

Nurse: "Why, with a little rest, I'm sure they'll all be ready to get back to exploring!"

A Back Room in the Pokecenter

-The Pokemon that were sent for healing are resting on beds in a common room... With a Chansey watching over to resolve any backroom trouble. Where they go from here is up to their writers-


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Jeff:"Hardware issues, ouch, don't think I'd be able to help you there myself…and yes, I am traveling. I'm from Slateport in Hoenn."



Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

In response to the ouch, Silent sighs, knows the problems too well. "Hoenn… That's a tropical place… somewhere, right? Must be a good place to spend time in summer."

In the meanwhile laptop has booted up into a  Fedora Lovebird screen. Silent decides to continue checking the current weather reports, looks surprises as he reads about thunderclaps in his homeland.

"I myself am from-" the rest of the sentence is covered by a random kid scramming and playing tag with his Duskull.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Vance: -leaving the counter- Hoenn? I'm from Hoenn! :)

Rudolph: -proceeds walking straight north, until she bumps into a wall or person-

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Andrew heads down to the counter-

Sorry I'm late. I'm here to pick up my Pokemon.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Shadow: <I see. I'm the oldest of six myself.>

Forte: Oh, so his name is Tlimiz? That sounds like a nice name. The Espeon over there is named Shadow.

Shadow: <Hello.>

Forte: I have a lot of other Eevees too. Would you want to meet them?


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Tlimiz gasps at the thought of six Eevees. Makenna, tail whipping left and right, picks some of the dialogue as well and gives "Shadow" some looks, wondering if he is the mon in charge of the translation.

Tlimiz -turns up to Forte: <Oooh go to see Eevees, I'd love to see more, I only see Miss Houndoom the entire day… but she is going to get mad!> -- points a paw down at Makenna.

Makenna quickly picks on the idea of someone taking her charge away to somewhere she doesn't know.

Makenna: <No goofing arrrrround, cub…> -- grrrrowls.

Tlimiz: <Pretty please? :3> -- yips.

In response, Makenna turns to Shadow and gives a friendly but still serious and alert stare.

Makenna: <Where the cub goes, I go. And I'm the one in charge of educating him. Is that clearrrr?>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-The Nurse hands Andrew his Pokemon back, and he lets them out-

Helena:-yawns and floats around to Andrew- <Well, that was relaxing.>



Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

-Shadow stares back-

Shadow: <Why wouldn't it be?>

Forte: Huh? I guess you must be this Eevee's friend or something?


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Makenna -to Forte: <Surrogate mother.> -- of course it comes off as more or less a "woof".

Content with Shadow's response, Makenna falls back to allow Forte to move freely while still keeping an eye on Tlimiz, the Eevee, content with winning again, clings to Forte's clothes and looks down at Shadow.

Tlimiz: <Do you have any awesome mmoves?>

Meanwhile, after hours and hours and hours, Silent's laptop has finally loaded the loading animation for the loading screen of a random, very heavy emulated game. Probably Golbatman Forever.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: ITT: We Are All in a Pokécenter

Forte: Well, "woof" to you too.

Shadow: <She says she's his surrogate mother.>

Forte: Oh. Um, sorry.

Shadow: -to Tlimiz- <Allow me to demonstrate.>

-Shadow closes his eyes a moment, then telekinetically levitates the nearest object (which happens to be a pen) toward Tlimiz-