Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On the Abecedary Legendaries

aka this proposal by Umbra.

As I commented to him, I think he is pretty fit to create something for Xerneas's personality, mostly because he has shown experience in developing the personalities of characters marked by some of the same traits Xerneas has (being unsealed from long slumber, being haunted or experimented upon, being a source of life nurture themselves, that kind of stuff). That said, I also think he can do Yveltal, I just think he can do Xerneas better.

On the proposed personalities for the two mons, I think they are a bit cliché-y, but to their credit they kinda fit the intended clichés well. It only makes sense that Yveltal likes making things die or at least checking that they die the correct way, or something, as that's its purpose in nature. I'd expect Mr. Y to be less adolescent-y, less Unabomber-y, and more neurosurgeon-y, more bomb-technician-y, as he represents a necessary and controlled process (also death is not to be feared, etc).

Of course, the whole "if I die things around die for me :c" part has an effect so I'd also expect Yveltal to have a somewhat rebellious personality. I'd expect him/her to be very reclusive and antagonistic when feeling ill for example, and is not the kind of mon I imagine keeping minions around.

Re genders, I'm leaning towards both female, or perhaps towards Xerneas being male. But I pretty much see Yveltal as "female-esque". There's something strangely motherly on the interpretation of death that Yveltal seems to be based off that does not seem to fit Xerneas, at least to me. It's probably a sort of "return to the cradle" thing.

One thing that I'd very much like to be considered is that, these two Legendaries being based around the concepts that they are (less life and death and more giving life and taking life, as least as I can see, someone with actual experience on X/Y can correct me if I'm wrong) I strongly expect them to have markedly non-human personalities and mindsets. Our Legendaries are sometimes too human, it would be nice to see them as actual mons, or things beyond them, with corresponding interpretations and scales of values.

For example, one thing that I've been thinking about doing if I run Yveltal at some point is to have her see some human customs about death and the focus on "forcing" life when it comes to healthcare (if the subject ever comes up) as highly hypocrytical, weirdly misaimed, or both. A Million Is A Statistic and whatever trope exists for the possible name It's Not Alive If I Can't See It are two possible venues of conversation I could see coming up a lot. About Xerneas, given that he is suppossedly an enforced source of life, I could see him/her being somewhat adverse to protocol and probably seeing mons around him, in particular the long-lived ones, as too eager to justify themselves, whereas he just more-or-less lets things flow. He would also probably be amused or conflicted at the human culture's approaches to socially preserve evidences of life - be it art, statues, or naming streets after historical figugres.

All in all I can say I support Umbra's proposal for Xerneas and, more than that, Yveltal, so long as there is room to develop the more monal side of them.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Kalos Plans

I don't have much, to be honest. There will be Gym challengings, but I doubt I'll take all of them. Then RP!Silent might return to PEFE HQ because there's a certain mon who will be needing a lot of love.

No mon in RP!Silent's team can Mega evolve (yet, I have my hopes) but just in case and preparing for the future, RP!Silent will be getting a Mega Card Slot for his retrofitted Pokégear. This will of course allow for something like a Card Slash or Soul Charge to activate the Mega Evolutions (it helps that those are evolutions to Mega level in the source as well) once [insert mon here]ite element is obtained.

(Speaking of which, I still think three PEFEers should join and pull off a Triple Mega Evolution, if there is ever a threat big enough to merit it)

My main difficulty planning for Kalos ATM is if and how to bring Lileep along. I need to give him some actual growth. Python as well, but he's easier to handle.

Depending on how the arc goes RL!time wise, I might stretch staying or taking part in some things I've been leaving behind, mostly mon birthdays (yeah I've missed my own mons's birthdays >_>). Other than that my character and mons will mostly be available for training battles, as assists in small sideline plots, and that kind of stuff. RP!Silent will probably also be busy writing a PEFE article as well, if I file a Dibs on one of the G6 mons in the upcoming weeks.

Also since Idrano has a Chespin (most likely evolved at this point) he'll show up somewhere. We can't let a Chespin go to waste :3 - Perhaps I'll have him take the Gym challenge instead.

If RP!Silent could grab a Legendary…

…it would be either Uxie (because knowledge) or Celebi (to not let the connection with the GS!Celebi go to waste). WHat to do with them though, I dunno.

For nicknames, Uxie would probably go by either the names Chloe and act as sort of quirky Mission Control (if identifying as a female, and bonus cookie for whoever gets not the wrong reference) or Dijkstra and act as a sort of aloof Tutor of the Underground World, and bonus for anyone who is not Tangent who gets the reference :p Celebi, OTOH, would just stay as Celebi.

Re King's malicious magician

Do note Every's Essay - if your character's way to go about confrontations is not "send out team, let mons handle it", he's going to meet the short end of a main character's stick fairly soon. Grenades is exaggerating things more than a bit, though note Exploding Voltorbs is not.

(Also, dunno if you ever seen The Magician - the canadian cartoon, not anything else under than name), it does bring some good ideas about where and how to go with a "magician vs magician" scenario)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Weather nerf discussion

(Here by Eskay, also discussed in Creative)

From what I know of the Weather nerf in G6, yes, it's weird.

As for the proposal as described by Eskay and Tagg, among others, ie.:

* it affects only Weather abilities, not Weather moves
* it is not (directly?) tied to equipping a weather-boosting item
* it does not affect Kyogre and Groudon (and possibly other weather-related Legendaries of True Power™)
* I'll presume it does affect Mini-Kyogre and Mini-Groudon as they are 1.- knock-offs of the real thing™ and 2.- very young

If under those terms, I'm mostly fine with Eskay's proposal that the weather from those abilities last a bit longer than the time the Pokémon exerting them has on the field. However I'd say five turns past it is way too much. For purposes of how most battles are conducted by the meta, five extra turns essentially means no change at all (even considering weather-altering moves).

I'd suggest applying any (ideally one, at most >_>) of various possible checks to the extra duration, not limited to:

* reducing the extra duration to, say, 2-3 turns unless the mon exerting the Weather move had a weather-boosting equipment
* reducing the special effect boosts (such as no-delay Solarbeam) somehow
* applying a balancing delay to get the weather effect started as well as ended (as they said in Creative, rain takes time to stop; but it also takes time to start)

I definitively don't like the second one (it's annoying, requires keeping track of more stuff, etc). I'm more partial towards the third one, since it makes sense with the difference in power levels between any random mon with Drought and Groudon™, for example. But any fixit (among those or not) would be okay in my book. It would also add strategic value to using the actual weather moves instead of relying on the Abilities.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Uhm... there is an error in my above D!post. For the second fixit, replace

* reducing the special effect boosts (such as no-delay Solarbeam) somehow


* reducing the special effect boosts (such as no-delay Solarbeam) during the extra weather time somehow

(I'm posting this only for completeness. I still dislike that particular fixit)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Pre-and-post Finale plans

Because the thing I had planned to do will have to be completely redesigned, I've checked a new possible approach that I've consulted with Every and Keys, and that allows me to keep what I want to get purpose-wise from the plotline.

Since the plans for the city-wide battle and stuff are taken over and repurposed to happen very close to the Cipher-part finale (Fri and Sat IINM), I'll instead run the first part of the character plot as another city raid in the past, likely some two to three days previously to today. So, basically, Ciphers were already moving across cities and Every already had a chance encounter with some of them where he and Maekrite met again.

That allows us both to do the things we wanted to do, helps clear the issue of Phenac or anywhere else really because we can just repurpose to a place that was convenient, and it also sets up the squads and Shadow!Maekrite as a threat that is just not meet in battle, then pulverize instantly - it takes time and offers chances for contemplation. So events already happened, it's just that the actual posts will be later when we're ready with repurposing, reformatting, etc. That means reactions to the events can already happen at any convenient pace.

Then, since I won't be much available for the weekend and the Cipher finale is this Saturday, I'll just extend the Maekrite part of the plot into the early postgame - after all we are not completely eradicating Cipher, and it is once in a blue moon that the highest rank falls after all of their soldiers. It'll probably involve a brawl with Cipher officers trying to hide between the population, as is Keys's suggestion, and then a confrontation involving Every and Maekrite again. RL-wise, this will most likely happen late the first week of December, as afterwards I have first surgical coming up and I don't know what will my status or availability be immediately afterwards.


Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Prestidigitation Proposal


Largely agreeing that it is an OP'd move. There is precedent for various variations on switchout moves but AFAIK none of them involves full protection for the mon switching in, and given RP switchouts are essentially cost-free that is very unbalancing. It basically acts as a free Protect + switching to advantaged mon + free ability trigger.

Proposal for balancing it:

  *  Reads as the edited proposal ("he user switches place with another Pokemon in its trainers party. That Pokemon is treated as if the move Protect has been used on it, but can otherwise not use another move this turn."). Addendum: Abilities and items of the Pokémon switched in do not trigger until the turn after the pseudo-Protect is lifted. The Pokémon switched in can not use Protect, Detect or a switchout move in the turn after switching in.

Also, while it is true that custom moves are supposed (intended, I should say - we already have nearly 700 canon moves to choose from), this one fits a theme and concept that other moves for the most part lack, so I'd say if the other players are okay with it + possible fixits in terms of balance, then why not?

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Shadow Moves

Been thinking of what Shadow move to give to Maekrite (since I've already decided to go on with the gag of making the Purification move Morning Sun). But I haven't been able to settle on any of them, I feel like none of the canon Shadow moves fit a Nidoking (the closest thing would probably be Shadow Rave) and before giving this more consideration wanted to check what was the status of the Custom Shadow Moves proposal, it seems they were agreeded upon consensus but never used.

I could go with a custom move (in case anyone has suggestions), a canon move with a twist, or a Limit Break / Desperation Move (in which case I'll be taking a page from either FF10 or KOF XIII).

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re: Clearance Levels

(this post)

My first thought is, I'd discard Level 10. In-universe it's a completely breaking thing. The whole "we're a fanfic" thing's okay for gags, and really, it's good for that, but in-universe there's no good reason to push "them" onto "our" world. This is about Pokémon, not about people writing community fanfic.

Beyond that, I'd suggest reorganizing the list somehow so that the levels follow an actual hierarchy. As it stands now it is possible to have Clearance Level 8 without any of the requirements of Level 5 or higher. Probably getting Medium / Meta Awareness higher in the ranking, as it's a thing "out of this world" in-universe. And I don't see any practical distinction between levels 1 and 2 - Level 2 should really be Level 1.5.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re: Battle Mechanics Wording

(Always recommended reading)

I ask if for the section of interplayer battles of the Battle Mechanics page, is it convenient given some issues with player battles in the RP as of late to update wording on any of the following aspects related to agreeing to a special set of battle rules:

* provable agreement should be provided before the battle (currently no provision for preemptive proposition is made, so we only find out after someone does something weird with chaining or weather moves and then it being interpreted as going around breaking rules)
* interplayer agreement is not a free pass to disregard the larger ruleset of the RP, such as having wanton city-level destruction just because or suddenly deciding that, say, battles are 2D (currently there's no provision to this end)
* the agreement should be expected to be inquired and examined by others (currently it is only implied)

Comments on any of those?

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Shipping / LGBT concerns

I agree with the "experiment playground" view on all accounts. I think there's lately too much focus on Doing the Trendy Thing of the Week, which in this case happens to be we bandwagon-jump into the RP from discussions in Creative on shipping and sexuality subjects (that, sometimes for the worse, are actually far more fitting to be discussed in N-L or Social).

Basically, I'm not not-OK with us having those matters in the RP - we pretty much always have had. But I feel like lately we're starting to... project more than it's healthy.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

I  also think that identifying the problem as shipping in general is a bit too extreme. That's just sort of what happens when there's no overarching plot and the RP winds up focusing on characters' social lives.  It'll probably die down when the plot finally comes around when we return to Lumiose and things get illusiony or what have you.

Granted, the first part that's true; however, there's a lot to social lives that doesn't necessarily orbit around romance and sex: for one actual friendships (as in not the ones that are shipped) are sometimes barely touched upon. I have a feeling having daily lives with our mons (and them having their own, too) has been put more aside than usual lately.

I guess I repeat my statement about going for trendy. "We don't have plot" (whatever that means) should not automatically imply "there has to be shipping". There's a lot of ground that can be covered in case one needs a post for the day, at least.

On the in-character matters, there's not much I can offer at the moment as it is, yes, a complicated matter. Things like these tend to be character defining so offscreening them doesn't really work. At most I think we could do like we did with the Generation VI spoilers time: so, essentially, when we are to write posts dealing with certain subjects (not only sex, mind; things like death might apply as well) we provide tags or some other form of notice.


Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

New Publication

Since I've bee aiming to expand my market I've decided to adapt and publish one of my WAAPT oneshots. Nidoran romance story is up in Spanish (for those interested in learning, that's pretty much translated barebones from the Silly Rabbit thread).

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Emotion Sinkhole, or Something™

aka: this idea for Fiore

The description makes it sound like (and uses the language for) it would be basically a distributed radio or cellphone emission - not unlike the one in Generation II. Meaning there is basically no escape from it. Also it looks like this would happen in a city outskirts or a similarly borderline-populated area where getting a bit more of cellphone reception actually matters, so I guess it'd change the way we'd have to write for affected NPCS (meaning everyone inside the AoE if I'm reading right).

So while I'm okay with it for the most part for plot purposes, I think it needs to be checked for invasiveness in both other people's potential plans and overall character writing. Would it also affect wild Pokémon?

Also, is RP!Straw going to die from this plot? "Death by radio" sounds like an absurd enough way to die that it has to be added to the repertoire.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Hidden Power redistribution

Namely this proposal

I personally don't have much of an issue with allowing for using HP-Fairy type, as it's something that sensibly could have come up in G6 and might still sensibly come up in an upcoming Gen. (Ditto for, if someone were to ask, new Secret Power effects based on kinds of geographies we haven't been shown battles for yet - in particular "sky battle" Secret Powers are probably a thing)

However I do see some of the reasoning behind Crow's concerns -though I don't see any sensible reason why already established HP types would have to be rebooted, unless GF seriously screws up.

I also do think that as it stands right now Keys's proposal is too open, which might cause issues in the future as I think we've already had a case where a Pokémon in the RP used HP-Fairy without any discussion I can remember and it seems to have had to be retconned. So I'd tighten the condition to have a Pokémon have a "future-only" HP-type as follows.

"In regards to how it would work IRP, I propose that only the mon who have not already been shown to have a Gen II-V Hidden Power type and won't know nor learn Hidden Power until its definitive type is established out-of-RP can have a Gen VI (and later) Hidden Power type. The decision to have the HP-type undetermined must be openly documented."

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts


I don't see any issue with it, and would be Okay with an RP implementation if it is decided so.

See, the thing is, if HP-Normal doesn't exist in the games because then it wouldn't be SE against anything but that argument doesn't hold much for several reasons. In-game there's Inverse Battles, and that mons have Normal type moves despite them being not SE against anything. Out-of-game there's the fact that nothing that enables HP-types really discards the possibility for HP-Normal. Our creatures are alive, not made from calculations on IVs and fractionals. (And the only flavour element that discards HP-Normal so far is the absence of a Normal type Plate)

So if the will is for a HP-Normal, I'm going with it.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Addendum

@Wolf: Yeah, it's a bit roundabout, which Crow reminded me to fix - still given my style (and, honestly, WAAPT history) I will always perfer explicit over implicit. Don't Assume™ and all that. Even more since if this kind of thing is accepted then it has to be posted in Battle Mechanics clearly.

The idea of the addendum is not only what Tangent says (that obviously you'll stick by what you choose) but also, and equally importantly, that if you haven't made your choice that fact is also clear, so as to avoid misunderstandings of the kind that usually bite us in the ass.

(It also helps avoiding boxing "old" mons into only a limited subset of choices merely because of their meta "age" and helps sidestep the issue of HP-reshuffling that might come up, though these are not "features" exclusive to this proposal. And I think at this point they're no longer a problem)

So, if I were to replicate Tangent's terms somewhat, it would be "Any new type is fair game if someone's HP is not yet established. Obviously as long as you stick with and inform whatever you do or not establish".

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re the pocket dimensions and magician Aggrons idea

re this one: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?di … =826#20632

(plus later comments)

I feel like the concept of an Aggron with Creation Trio-esque powers (even if limited to its own pocket dimension, they _are_ basically Palkia AND Dialga's powers) enough of a stretch that I think it'd require retooling or very careful handling. For example, I haven't seen so far anything that dictates how tightly defined Aggron's pocket dimension is. From the understanding I have of it, of those powers are confined to the dimension then how can Aggron even absorb Aura from a person deceased in _our_ world or reality-warp a person from here to there? That already stretches the sphere of power because it's basically on the level of Shardporting.

If those elements are given the aforementioned retooling or careful examination, I can see the idea working. Plot-wise I don't see any important issues with it.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On the Interpol

re the Interpol: is this planning for international police as in Police, or more a thing like the Sentinel Program or SHIELD?

I mean, really, giving officers who are not a notch above SWAT Teams Expansion Suits? Using those suits, as Tracer points out, would be highly unethical in the least given they provide a means of mind control and or mind upload. Not to mention they grant superpowers (of several kinds, so it'd be Justice Leagueing) and they allow for hijacking and hacking Pokéballs - basically having the good guys do a reverse Orre. Let's remember that Essentia was stuffed into one of those. And that's only what I recall from cursory read for getting background on the postgame.

Unless Interpol is secretly the Pokéverse equivalent of CADMUS or HYDRA (which, hey, might potentially do for an interesting cross arc), I'm just not seeing it.

The rest of the proposal is not any bad, in particular improving on stuff like the Umbrella, but something at the level and featureset of the Expansion Suit is just not a thing that one would reasonably expect the Police (as in not special forces of Space Marines; just... Police) to have -let alone use.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On ROSA ORAS spoilers

(aka this)

Factors I would consider:

* Considering these are actual remakes, there is probably not much to spoilerblock anyway.
* Stuff like plot might be spoilerable under some circumstances. Not everyone here has played RSE and our very own Hoenn Arc was not strongly tied to those events.
* It would be nice to, if not having a spoilerblock, have people at least have the decency to ask or warn beforehand before spoilering, also considering the below.
* waapt-rp is a public chatroom with public logs. For discussing spoilery stuff (and doing so openly) we already have a spoilers chatroom.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Fixing some of the above as per chatroom discussion:

* waapt-rp is a public chatroom with public logs. For openly discussing spoilery stuff that's the purpose of the spoilers chatroom.

Re follow-ups, Keys and Crow bring up good points. I don't really remember what did we exactly spoilerblock for when B2/W2 though, I don't even remember if Kyurem forms was part of it.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

On Chatroom Netiquette

Since the page on chatrooms currently has nothing in the section of netiquette, wondering if any / some / all of the following would be good to add. Subject to additions / changes.

* People using web interfaces enter the chatrooms as a random Pokémon eg.: "Wild_Tropius♀_(lv55)". Use "/nick SomeName" to renick yourself if you want.

^It's not exactly netiquette, it's actually in the help button for Speeqe; I'm mostly posting it here for completeness.

* When you renick yourself (via "/nick SomeName") try to avoid spaces and apostrophes.

^ This is mostly because of some issues for Speeqers (errors when seeing nicks with apostrophes, or inability to IM nicks with spaces).

* When posting images, in particular large ones, might be good idea to add a '?' at the end of the link to avoid it autoloading and clobbing the screens for Speeqe users.
* When wanting to post walls of text, prefer to use a pastebin. There's many on the internet, and we also have one: pastebin.tropi.us

^ These two are half netiquette, half "keeping things spruce". Images affect Speeqe users mostly, and wall of texts lose a lot of formatting when posted verbatim.

* Don't post links to the private chatrooms or their logs publicly.

^ This one is more proper netiquette.


EDIT: Murcrow says I forgot the pastebin link~

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re Crewe's Idea

(This one in case somehow people doesn't know)

While the basic idea is nice, in that it reads more or less as a 911 for wild Pokémon, the way it seems to be implemented might be just a bit troubling - it's basically a cult-like organization that can, at a moment's notice and simply by request, without mention made of other means of verification, theoretically mass-teleport anywhere, including territories where they don't have permission to, if they wouldn't know / wouldn't respect wild mons's sovereignities in the places they're called to.

Meta-wise, the idea would be I guess to avoid them just jumping into other people's plots without agreement from the plot GM, we'd just need to keep track of those things effectively. Somehow.

In-RP wise, since they are basically a cult (an unofficial one at that), what gives them any authority? If there's troubles with them, who is made responsible in-RP and how? I figured out that having a cult of mons mass-teleport into the safe / feeding grounds without permision nor authority would not bode well with eg.: the Nido Colony sovereignity, them being Poison-types and all that. The idea is to, since this thing is basically pulling a Justice League Watchtower of sorts, avoid issues that would reasonably lead to an in-RP Cadmus.

EDIT: As Corvus mentions out, it's basically boundaries concerns (both in-RP and in-meta). Those solved, I'm definitively in with the idea.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re Pacing and Stuff

Most of what I wanted to say was already said in the logs. I had a couple of ideas to try and help with the part of inclusiveness, but since one was killed already before even leaving the floor I might want to wait until opinions and plans are better defined before bothering to offer anything else.

re Stuff that can't be sequelized: If you are going to do something that can't be sequelized *on a whim*, it might be a good idea to pay extra attention to make sure and leave open hooks so that other people can later participate somehow / time shenanigans / etc.

re the particular event that brought all of this to discussion: I don't see why there can't just be a second raid on the airship. If it were for justification, those guys are dealing with the J-Team - they are not going to send a couple of goons at it and be done with it, they're at least going to send the STRIKE and SEAL teams.

Re The Reveal™

A bit of a (necessary) leap in logic, but...

"Humans who are actually mons" (and viceversa) is for the most part a thing of myth. A news about it could go various ways, each one with its different scope of effects and also a different degree of credibility (ie.: is it a "We have discovered a new element!" kind of news or a "I have the Yeti's hair in my lab back in the woods!" kind of news?).

Revealing that Crewe is a mon would also bring more dedicated, validated attention to eg.: the J-Team show and the rumors and stuff. In particular for the Armbands and that kind of thing. Not sure if want.jpg.

There's also that while the most immediate kinds of effects at large would be of the sort of "I wonder if we can convert people into Pokémon?" (hey, RtAU :p) or viceversa, those are, if minorly, a sort of thing in canon (with the machines in Hoenn that are supposed to try to do various things between humans and Pokémon, for example).

(And the other most immediate kinds of effects are... dirtier, but let's not go into that)

So I would not be able to really say if it is a good idea or up to what point in any way until I knew more about the planned circumstances and motive for it.

EDIT: After PMing with Crewe about how the news would go public, I can say that it'd be an interesting thing to see in terms of plot and character development, but at the same time would reasonably end up very troubling for too many characters in-universe. At least, given the current in-universe context of dealing with Orre, various nascent teams having eyes set on the J-Team, etc.

So to the original question of if it is a good idea, I'd have to answer with a (probably disappointingly unhelpful) "not anytime soon".

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

Re Umbra's D!post

Regarding Legendaries: don't we have the thing about Legendaries not being controlled by specific people? At least, not as a prominent thing. (That said, I do approve of Tornadus and Thundurus going to Crow for the time being)

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Silent's Discussion Posts

re: Number of People

(aka The sequence of posts in page 881)

I heavily approve of closing sign-ups temporarily. Not "until people get bored and leave" but at least for a long, sensible, nontrivial amount of time. Something like two or three arcs. I think it is one of the first and foremost measures to apply to try and solve the current problem.

I also approve of Wolf's idea in the general sense of having certain times in the year where Signups will be open. That way we can prepare for it. RIght now there's a continuous integration effort that is simply going nowhere useful.

Beyond that, I think any other measure implemented among those shown could help, but I'm personally not a big fan of any. I think imposing a hard cap on players per arc would be a very good Gojira Treshold to apply, though, if a combination of various measures fails to bring the desired effect.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.