On my situation
Well, it has been a good while since I wrote here...
Now, I know that there has been a recent push for getting RtAU back on track and at a positive moving speed and I want to thank Umbra for that. You know, trying to move stuff along. Which is good. Though, as luck has it, it comes precisely at a time where I won't be able to do much of anything, after three months of having been available to do stuff and just only mostly waiting for other people. So I can't catch a break.
Because this precisely comes at the point where I have been slowed to a halt.
For those wondering, my health took a sharp and dangerous decline in the last month, which is the reason for my even more reduced availability.. I'd rather not have this discussed further through the public channels though, please ask privately if you need more information. I don't know when or how will I be able to resume a practical "marching" step of RP involvement. Right now my presence is mostly limited to short stays at the chatrooms as I welcome people to talk to about things so that I can stay sane.
With this, it'd be a good time for the people who need to know stuff about the Johto or Angela side of RtAU to ask the questions they need, because most of the large picture in these scenarios was already talked about and set some months ago (as far back as October if I'm not mistaken). Some ofher of my D!posts also deal with the overall plans, but there is a lot of room for moving plots around so long as the important milestones and motivations stay where they are.
Here is the overall plot of the Johto side of RtAU, please ask more if needed but don't expect immediate answer.
* Blackthorn is sided with the dragons. They were already training and assisting the local draconic population for the uprising and, if some Kanto posts are any indication, have been involved at it for quite a while. However, their level of involvement, such as link to the 7JD chain of command, is unclear as of yet. Heck, they might even be just bandwagonning on the whole thing.
* Goldenrod and the cities and towns in the peninsula will be isolated, though the timeframe for that is still a bit irky for me. Azalea, Greenfield, National Park, most likely Violet as well, Ruins of Alph and Union Cave. Wild mon populations will be forced to shuffle along the connecting roads for a while before the dragons can round up enough troops to make sure they can exile the locals to Elsewhere. A little plan involves turning the Pokéathlon Dome into a prisoner camp or torture facility.
* The Miltank Legion was supposed to be a thing. They are the big politial force being born in Johto (they did extend themselves pretyy far in PMD-B), they're ones who supposedly prevent the dragons from just circling around Ecruteak and invading the other side of Johto, be it W or E. Original idea was that they were to be rallied by Icelus, but dunno how is that going to work now.
* Ecruteak is mostly untouched but it's not like nothing happens there. With Crewe out of the development and no mention of the nascent Miltank Legion AFAIK, I'm drawing a blank on what will happen here. I presume Ho-Oh and Nix will be making act of presence eventually, but how or why I wouldn't know. Main plan was to turn it into a Blitz Evacuee Hub or even into a place to bring mons recovered from exiliation ops.
...Where would the dragons even be trying to exile the locals to anyway? They can't send away that many before running out of workforce, so I'm guessing the Johto Safari Zone and or Arborville are a thing.
The peninsula resistance begins in the National Park, this being the safest place close to "holy land" to start working from. The Nidos run the defense, but the actual government of orest lands eventually falls on mons migrating from the northern side of Johto. At this time most of the operations will be skirmishes to delay the dragons's attempts to exile the population as well as scare any mon who might have allied with them into rethinking the value of their lives.
At some point early in the rebellion the Owsla open ranks to other forest and city mons who want to join, as they'd be overrun otherwise. This allows the resistance to grow into a group capable of all stages of information gathering, analysis and response, and this is where players wanting to run city-oriented ops can finally jump in (be it Owsla or not, they just provide the means to reach into the cities). Presumably other less centralized forces would be accepting humons in their ranks already.
Eventually Vinollo and Rize are sent offscreen (meaning "until I write them about") to spread the resistance in Alto Mare and Cherrygrove/Olivine (order is irrelevant ATM), so it stands to reason that conflict lasts longer or deeper in these places for a bit longer than in other areas.
I had the idea the three Gerbils would be popping around "randomly" and causing ruckus. Hey, randomness is not covered under "don't assist humans" statuses. They eventually get better wind of things and start assisting the Miltank Legion or the Owsla in a I was Just Passing Thru fashion. Or they can be doing anything else, really, but I do need at least one of them available to Train the Local Farmers.
Now, the more "hardcoded" part of the plan. At some point Blackthorn turns the tables, perhaps they bring in the Charizific Valley in for the ride or something, and they start pushing against the forestline and against the Miltank Legion. There's probably pressure from Kanto (nascent Indigo League?) as well. Or they manage to tie the Legendaries's paws tighter, or something. Anyway, they kinda make the plot-level jump from "talks about a thousand year reich, can't feed troops for a month" Wacky Nazis to "wipe enemies anywhere, anytime, regardless of defenses" MCU!Hydra. At this point the invasion turns more desperate with both sides going into stronger action.
Eventually the forest resistance mons start running out of resources so they decide to Storm the Castle aka the Dragon Paradise. Battle goes as badly as you might expect, then the forest mons challenge the Dragons to Combat by Champion, the Elders get smacked silly by a better-prepared Inka, so they bring the nearest loser they can find, tell him "you're in command now" and scram from the region Or Else. Nadia might or might not be involved in there. As part of the immediate outcome at least the Charizific dragons are allowed to return and Inka is exiled to what's left of PEFE HQ.
Don't know yet what the outcome will be in Alto Mare, (it'll end up being as much a political mess as it was in PMD-B or not). I'll go with the flow regarding it and anything west of and including Ecruteak.
Now... How is Eon involved in all this or not, I don't have details yet. I understand he's leaving to Unova at some point. A tight chain of command is not really needed I guess, but feel free to build here as you wish and I'll follow.
(Meta-wise, I don't have a set duration for all those events. With the way my life is going, I'm OK with RtAU being available until June. It's not like it'd delay anything. So please don't take it ill on me if at any question of how long will RtAU last my answer is more or less "as long as we can")
(More meta-wise, this entire plan relies on not playing the plot alone. This works only if I can eventually be ready with Tracer, Umbra, Crow and whoever else is joining in. Were this prove to be too life-draining, cumbersome or unwaitable for the involved people I'll just return to the Uprising Prevention miniarc, better fit for a oneshot-like thread)
“Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.”