Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

At the Owsla meeting ground

Hamada: <Well, he did disappear for like two weeks once.> -- gives a friendly leer to the Nidorino -- <Made some story about wanting to visit the mountain lakes to the north...>

Some of the 'rinos show a bit of surprise after hearing that the saplings can Headbutt.

Nidorino #1 -looks Dulles up and down: <Really, they kinda look too frail in the head for that!>

Nidorino #2: <I wonder what did she see in him...?>

Maekrite celebrates by fetching Colombia for a hug.

Maekrite: <I can not teach you Toxic because I don't need know it, but surely we can find one of the others to teach you!>

Hamada smiles and reorganizes his group, then observes the saplings playing around and snuggling, and enjoying some attention from the other Nidos who bring berries for the trio; turns to Basket.

Hamada: <Adventurous, yes. Fortunately he's survived his various trials and I see now he's done pretty good.> -- points to some thickets -- <You and the saplings are free to stay until night, then two Nidorino will escort you and your family back to your territory.>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Somewhere Else

The Nidorina in front of Eskay's mom smiles, walks up and picks the Sitrus berry, looking at it contently. Then she rawrs a thank you.

Nidorina: <Yay! This is easy! :3>


Meanwhile the Nidorino in the group sits in front of Dihrao, looking at him in amazement.

Nidorino: <Oh, oh no... I don't mean that!> -- waves a paw and gives a "above it all" gesture -- <I mean, really, mon, you have to have quite a horn to get on it with two breeders!>

The Nidorino looks back at the second Nidorina, who is looking suspiciously at the two, arms crossed, and walks in front of Dihrao to block her field of vision.

Nidorino: <If it was up to some of us yeah, we'd throw you a little party. But you know quite well how the females are around here, and for a good reason.> -- steps back feigning some little offense -- <Yeah, you! What you did was awesome inexcusable. But it's not like we're going to throw you to the trash. Just... try not to call attention to yourself. Which is why I was asking who are they.>

The Nidorino points to the humans, while the Nidorina who just got a Sitrus Berry goes chat with Alli.

Nidorina: <Oh you are from the city too? How is the life there? Is the Gym Leader battling with a Nidorina again? Amn't I pretty?>

She doesn't care that much that to a human she's pretty much doing Pokémon Speak. Perhaps she can get another achievement unlocked by getting petting?

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

Dihrao smirks slightly at the Nidorino, proud of himself for a job that, despite getting him exiled, was well done.

Dihrao: <I know what you mean. The ones that don't absolutely love me, absolutely hate me. Ahem... I know, I should be proud ashamed of that... As for who these are, the boy ended up catching me just a short while after the... situation.>

Meanwhile, Alli is, in fact, petting the Nidorina. She can't resist finding her absolutely adorable. She wordlessly :3s at the Nidorina while doing so.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

The Nidorino nods back at Dihrao and puts a face of seriousness. Half-faked of course.

Nidorino: <I see... well, you'd do well to keep the humans on. the. trail.> -- points to the trail in the general west direction -- <and avoid the deeper parts of the forests. We are not the only wild ones who live there, I mean.>

The :3 Nidorina hides her newly acquired berry and rolls cutely on the grass, keeping a friendly eye on Eskay's mom. She growls every once in a while as if to remind the humans there she is a wild one. The serious Nidorina meanwhile is just snorting a couple of steps away.

Nidorina #2: <Are you all done yet? The schools may be coming to graze and play soon, and we don't want them to meet... him.> -- shows a fang in Dihrao's direction, without looking at him.

Nidorino -puts a half-faked wistful face: <Can't blame the hlessi (stray, vagabond) for still feeling for his former home...>

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.

80 (edited by BittersweetNSour 2012-08-12 00:54:48)

Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

Dihrao nods

Dihrao: <I suppose if you don't all want me back, I won't force myself in. But at least this little visit was nice. And at least somemon doesn't still think I'm dangerous. So I guess we'll be going.>

Eskay's mom gives the more friendly of the Nidorina one last pet, and they head off on the trail the Nidorino pointed toward.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Basket: <Thank you very much.>

Next Morning

Basket is sleeping in the bushes, her saplings beginning to stir in a pile next to her. Where is Maekrite? Probably at the bottom of the pile.

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

Watching Dihrao and his group leaving by the trail, the Nidorino guarder turns to return to the thickets, only to notice one of the Nidorina is leering at him.

Nidorina: <I thought I would be seeing some more dedication from you.>

The Nidorino flinches as he notices the female turning away.

Nidorino: <Oh hang on I I I I can do something!> -- turns towards Dihrao's group in the distance, assumes battle stance -- <You better be gone, I'll personally check that you are not not here!>

And thus he follows after Dihrao's group, from a distance, looking as friendly threatening as he still can.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Nido Colony

Next morning, Maekrite opens his eyes and tries to move, to no avail. Because he's at the bottom of a cuddlepile of saplings who missed him. After yawning and letting his ears flicker in what little room he's left with, the Nidorino begins to stir as well. He looks up the thicket to notice some tendrils of sunlight trying to make their way through.

Maekrite: <Kits it's morning already... Breakfast (photosynthesis) time.> -- yawns again.

Then he starts dragging himself (and the cuddlepile) closer to Basket.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Elsewhere in the forest, next morning

Jeff is wandering through, utterly lost.

Jeff:~How did I let myself get so lost?~

As Jeff trips over something, a large-ish tree limb starts to fall right above him. Not able to move in time, he tenses up and closes his eyes, when he feels a sudden burst of energy in his head that he's never experienced before. He opens his eyes to find that the limb is levitating just above, with a slight aura glowing around it. He realizes that he was the one doing it! He tries to fling the limb away, but only manages to somewhat toss it.

Jeff:"WOAH! What's going on‽ I'm a psychic‽ AWESOME!"



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

The Saplings eagerly scamper into the sunlight to warm up for the day, and generate sugars~

Ercilla: Hmm? Did a branch fall down?

Dulles: Oh, let's see where the noise came from!

Colombia: Yeah, that's what good patrollers do!

Basket twitches, and groggily notices Maekrite approaching. She smiles, and quietly drapes a wing over him.

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Maekrite licks Basket's wing and watches the saplings go. Then he leans his head against Basket's flank.

Maekrite: <Don't worry, they'll be well taken care for until noon, there are a couple of patrollers around.> -- adds, before Basket can ask -- <That's what I'd do.>

Maekrite remains quiet for a good time, thinking of how his life is going to change once he moves to the southern grasslands to patrol them. He also takes notice to ask his superiors what are the chances the patrollers would take a trio of Tropii to train them, and mumbles something half-wondering about who can train them.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Elsewhere in the forest

Eskay and co. also hear the crash, and head toward the source despite recommendations warnings to stay on the designated trail.

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

The Forest

As the sudden burst of energy ebbs away, Jeff is left with a headache.

Jeff:"Ow, my head. Good thing I keep a bottle of aspirin in my bag…"

He takes a couple aspirin, then lays on the ground for a few minutes. As the pain in his head dies down, he reaches for a Poké Ball on his belt and lets out a Mudkip.

Jeff:"Hey there buddy, sorry I haven't let you out much the past few days…"

Mudkip:«Aww, it's okay.»

Jeff:"Tha- Wait, what? I can understand you now! -huggles Mudkip excitedly- These new powers are amazing!"

Mudkip:«…what? -is huggled-»



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Near Jeff

Dulles pokes his head out of a bush.

Colombia: <Ooh, a human! Humans like watching us!>

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.

90 (edited by BittersweetNSour 2012-08-13 20:37:55)

Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Eskay and co. finally arrive near Jeff

Mom: Hey, weren't you the guy from the preservation?

[Spectrum was here!]

91 (edited by Sixthhokage1 2012-08-14 15:35:50)

Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Jeff:"Huh? Oh, yeah, I remember y'all, the group with the cute l'il Nidorino~."

Mudkip:«-sigh- You and your cuteness obsession…»



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Columbia: <Hey! Pay attention to us~!>

Dulles: <We're cool!>

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Dihrao: <Aww, I'm flattered you think I'm cute~>

Alli reaches down to pet the saplings.

Eskay: Wait, didn't that guy say some Tropius saplings went missing?

[Spectrum was here!]


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Somewhere else in the Forest

Maekrite wakes up besides Basket after a veeeeeery long nap and notices the saplings are not around. He sniffs he air around him and listens for a moment.

Maekrite: <Can't let this start wrong> -- shakes his head.

After a moment to nom some berries and make sure he is well woken up, he tries to leave the thicket to search for the saplings without waking Basket up.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Jeff:"Yeah, these might be the saplings from the reserve! But where is there mother still?"



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Somewhere Else in the Forest

Basket: -sleepily- <Morning...> -she turns over, not really awake-


Dulles: -closes his eyes and smiles as he gets petted-

Columbia: -resists petting somewhat- <Hey! I'm a wild animal!>

Ercilla: <We live in a zoo... and I can has pets, please?> :)

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Jeff:-pets Ercilla ^_^-



Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area

Forest (somewhere)

Maekrite frowns, wondering if he should trouble Basket. But 1.- she's so cute when she is asleep and 2.- the saplings should be easy to find… [spoiler](Wrong Genre Savvy alert here)

Maekrite: <I'll be back later…>

With that he makes his way out of the thicket and starts sniffing.

Thou hast forgotten the face of thy Lord. Remember, mortal, and fear pet me.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


-a trail of the saplings is easy to follow, but heads towards a human trail through the woods...-

Colombia: <So why are you all here?>

Sanity is precious; use it sparingly.


Re: Other!Goldenrod Metropolitan Area


Jeff:-makes a start to answer Colombia, then realizes that the others might ask about it and he doesn't feel like explaining that he just gained psychic powers somehow. Instead, just kinda looks around awkwardly-
