Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

-Lucius blinks in confusion.-

Lucius: ...Let go of what?

Maul: ~Translation: "Let's go."~

Lucius: Oh, right. Wow, something Maul said actually made things easier to understand. What kind of weird parallel universe are we living in?

Maul: ~One where you're not very bright.~

-Before Lucius can protest, the two are blipped right back to Rasp Cavern.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Phenac City Hotel Suite

Crewe: He's dumb in ev'ry universe.

-she is content to lay on the floor of Rasp Cavern once they arrive-

428 (edited by Herbert40k 2014-08-21 23:25:50)

Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Lucius jabs Crewe with his foot.-

Lucius: Just for that, you're taking first watch tonight. Assuming that you can get your lazy ass off of the floor long enough to get your costume on, of course.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe waves a hand in his vague direction-

Crewe: Whatevs. S'not night time yet. Stop bein' a jerkface, jerkface.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Boots continue to make contact with Crewe's ribs.-

Lucius: It will be night-time pretty soon if you keep sleeping for much longer. Besides, we really ought to get some training done today. You know, to keep us in shape and everything. Unless you want to put on even more weight.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe seizes his boot and attempts to yank his leg out from under him-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Lucius is brought down onto the stone cavern floor next to Crewe.-

Lucius: Oof! See, now you're moving! I didn't know it was that easy to get you motivated. Maybe I ought to insult you more often.


Lucius: ...On second thoughts, that sounds like a really bad idea. Assuming that I want to live to see my eighteenth birthday, at any rate.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe reaches over to pat whatever part of him she can reach without moving-

Crewe: Good boy.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Lucius sighs, then hauls himself to his feet, grabbing Crewe by the hand and pulling her up with him.-

Lucius: You know, I never thought I'd be in a relationship where I wasn't the lazy one.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe makes no effort to help him, and drops an arm around his shoulder to collapse against him as soon as she's standing-

Crewe: 'M not lazy. Y'just woke m'up too early.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Lucius flails.-

Lucius: It's mid-afternoon! I'm not going to start having to force-feed you coffee in the mornings, am I?


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe sticks out her tongue, making a face-

Crewe: Bleeeeeh. Coffee's gross.

438 (edited by Herbert40k 2014-08-21 23:52:54)

Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Lucius: So find another way to wake yourself up in the mornings! That way I won't have to start hooking you up to a drip and pumping caffeinated drinks into your bloodstream!

Maul: ~Or I could just put you two back to sleep.~

Lucius: ...How would that help?

Maul: ~It wouldn't, but at least you'd both have an excuse to lie in.~


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Crewe: Shuddup. 'M nocturnal.

-she gives Maul a thumbs up-

Crewe: I like that plan.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Lucius shakes his head fervently.-

Lucius: No! Absolutely not! I am putting my foot down and using my ultimate supreme leadership powers of awesomeness to veto that idea.

Maul: ~That's not a thing you can do.~

Lucius: Well, it is now, because I'm the leader and I make the rules. Therefore, I say that everybody has to be awake at this moment in time, nocturnal wild animal or not.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Crewe: You suuuuuck. Maul, let's mutiny.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Lucius: Didn't I already explain why that would be a bad idea?

Maul: ~I want an election.~

Lucius: What? No! I'm not running a democracy here! Arceus, why did I ever think that starting an evil team with you two would be a good idea? You'd be terrible minions.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Crewe jabs him in the ribs-

Crewe: I was cool wit you bein' leader till you made me not sleep. You better revise your platform b'fore th'election, fruitcake.

444 (edited by Herbert40k 2014-08-22 00:06:59)

Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Lucius: There's not going to be an election! How many times do I have to explain this? Autocracies don't have elections! That's the entire point of an autocracy! I'm like a king! You don't vote for kings!

Maul: ~Help, help, I'm being oppressed.~

Lucius: Oh, now don't you start.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Crewe: But without elections, th'only way to get rid of you is t'kill you or send y'into exile, so...


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Lucius: And we've already discussed why doing either of those things would be a very bad idea. So you're stuck with me.

Maul: ~Or I could just do this.~

-There is a blip and suddenly Lucius is gone.-

Maul: ~Victory for democracy.~


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-with no Lucius to support her, Crewe collapses back onto the ground-

Crewe: Ooof!

-she then starts laughing-

Crewe: G'work, Maul.


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

Maul: ~Ssh. It's bedtime.~

-He waves a hand in an attempt to put Crewe to sleep.-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-there is no resistance here. Crewe promptly falls asleep-


Re: The (Non-canon) Adventures of Shieldmaiden and the Auric Avenger

Rasp Cavern

-Several hours (or possibly many weeks) later, Crewe may find herself being shaken awake by a very wet and sodden Lucius.-

Lucius: Naptime's over, Sleeping Beauty.